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  • Re: [] [javaee-guardians] Re: Jakarta Tech Talk - invite to suggest topic and/or present, (continued)
  • [] Jakarta EE Update call March 27, 2019 @ 11 AM EST, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] Updated invitation: Jakarta EE Update call @ Wed Mar 27, 2019 11am - 12pm (EDT) (, tanja . obradovic
  • [] The Jakarta EE 2019 Developer survey closes soon, Stephanie Swart
  • [] Invitation with note: Jakarta EE Update call @ Wed Mar 27, 2019 11am - 12pm (EDT) (, tanja . obradovic
  • [] One more week to take the 2019 Jakarta EE Developer Survey!, Stephanie Swart
  • Re: [] [] Amelia and Cesar: Dev Nexus feedback?, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] Don't forget to take the Jakarta EE 2019 Developer Survey!, Stephanie Swart
  • [] The 2019 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is here!, Stephanie Swart
  • [] "Jakarta EE Samples" proposal, arjan tijms
  • [] #OSSRRR sticker for OpenSource R³ Jam Party @DevNexus, Amelia Eiras
  • [] OpenSource R³ Jam Party & #earnTHATshirt @devnexus, Amelia Eiras
  • [] Trondheim Developer Conference, Torkild U. Resheim
  • [] Jakarta EE Town Hall call, Jan 30th 2019, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] Fwd: 1/30/19 Jakarta EE Town Hall : 3 pics, feedback and transfer task follow up!, Amelia Eiras
  • [] is Live! PS: Bloggers, We Need You!, Thabang Mashologu
  • [] Jakarta EE Town Hall, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] POM dependency, Elder Moraes
  • [] Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Blog, Content Contribution, Jan Supol
  • [] JakartaEE JUG Event promotion, jakarta . ee-community-owner
  • [] Jakarta EE Community Participation Request ON: Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Release [01/29/19] #CommunityVoices, Amelia Eiras
  • [] Java EE Support on Azure, reza_rahman
  • [] Invitation with note: Jakarta EE Town Hall meeting @ Wed Jan 30, 2019 11am - 12pm (EST) (, tanja . obradovic
  • [] Save the time and date for Jakarta EE Town Hall on January 30th @ 11 AM EST, Tanja Obradovic
  • [] Happy New Copyright Year!, Bill Shannon

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