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Re: [] [] Jakarta EE Update call March 27, 2019 @ 11 AM EST

Hola Jakartee, 

Copy/paste written feedback sent to the mktg cmte group on 3/15 that summaries past feedback (2018) on the call. 

I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s call, so directly and openly providing past feedback that is relevant to today’s agenda and what comes next. 

By sending this message, it is my hope that many of you openly send your feedback as what YOU would like to see more of during the Jakarta Update call.
It is YOU, the ones who speak and voice and becoming a part of the process that enhance what currently is and what project needs to become. 

Closing feedback and looking forward to more voices via this 2 forum that are the project mailing lists. :)


My recommendations are summarized below, sent 3/15/19: 

  1. to cancel the call for this month {that was mention during the call, there might be other partners who are +1 on that}
  2. rename asap
  3. make the call process to be owned by this Cmte as its stewards, not Leads. The word stewards needs to be used when talking about the call 24/7 is its development
  4. make it a topic for discussion for next call, first we choose the Jakarta Logos, then we work on the call skeleton to make it effortless easy to scale beyond any particular individual in this group or in the other Committees. 
  5. Avoid using set names in any agenda name for constant updates, rotate and make individuals scalable and not be "that person”
  6. make a few volunteers in this Cmte co-hosts of the call (at least 2 beside anyone at EF)
  7. drop the agenda (keep it is the back ground in case there is no feedback 1 week before the call is meant to take form)
  8. Just like I created the google minutes for the TownHall to be public for everyone attending to own #writingTHEtalk during that call, lets create a folder under the Jakarta Marketing Folder to maintain the public minutes
    • in the document, lets add a Header that is fixed on each page that uses MUST links to everything Jakarta
      • Website
      • Git
      • Twitter
      • 3 Committee minutes
      • Add event link… etc
      • Plus INFORMAL  code of conduct that makes it clear how to add stuff to agenda
  9. schedule 1 tweet via the Jakarta EE handle with link to the public minutes with something like:  
    • #youhavetoSHOWup to contribute to @OpenSource. #Join the (@JakartaEE + new name) call  [zoom link]. #Influence this project’s conversation by adding the topics that matters most to YOU to the agenda [public google minutes link here] #community  

— end

On Mar 26, 2019, at 12:38 PM, Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Jakarta EE community,

In the case my meeting invite did not reach you already, here are all the details about the call.

Please join us tomorrow, March 27th 11 AM EST for an update on Jakarta EE status and progress.

The Agenda for the call:

Jakarta EE updates from the Foundation  (Paul Buck / Tanja Obradovic - Eclipse Foundation)
  • Jakarta EE 8 release
  • Community engagement update
Update on the Specification Process (Wayne Beaton - Eclipse Foundation)
  • EFSP v1.1
  • JESP
PMC / Projects Update (Ivar Grimstad - Principal Consultant, Cybercom Sweden)
  • Jakarta EE 9 - Jakarta EE Platform project, update
Marketing Update
Here are details on how to join the call
Join Zoom Meeting

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Tanja Obradovic
Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Twitter: @TanjaEclipse
Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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