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Re: [] Jakarta Tech Talk in May?

Hi Tanja, I can offer a speech about recent JVM elasticity improvements. Quick draft:

Elastic JVM for Elastic Java EE Applications Running in Containers
Almost all major Garbage Collector (GC) implementations (G1, Shenandoah, OpenJ9, ZGC) introduced special options for enabling vertical scaling. 
In simple words, it reduces amount of used RAM during idle states. All flavors (cloud-native, traditional and legacy) directly depends on JVM efficiency. 
Understanding how it works and how to configure it properly may significantly improve efficiency of Java EE applications running in VMs and containers in dev, test, stage and even production environments with a variable load. 
As algorithm of vertical scaling implementation at each GC differs knowing nuances is important for predictable experience and stable work. 
At this session we will elaborate how companies can solve the large memory requirements issue which is the most widely acknowledged complain in Java EE world and was recognized by 40% of respondents in Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2018

I was delivering quite similar speech several times already and people react with a high level of interest because many still have not heard anything about it. 
Please let me know if it sounds interesting for the community. 


On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 20:01 Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Many thanks Reza!!

It is a tough choice, as all sound interesting, but if we do not hear from others I would love to start with either

* Java EE on Azure Magic Mystery Show
* Effective Docker and Kubernetes for Java EE Developers

I will update the spreadsheet with your name for May. and send you email with additional details we need regarding the talk.

Again many thanks!!!

On 2019-04-24 12:31 p.m., Reza Rahman wrote:
I am available to speak in May. Of my proposals, the following is what I can present on short notice currently:

* A Bird's Eye View of Java EE 8
* Java EE on Azure Magic Mystery Show
* Effective Docker and Kubernetes for Java EE Developers
* A Freakonomic Take on Open Standards and Jakarta EE
* Reactive Java EE - Let Me Count the Ways!
* HTTP/2 and What it Means for the Java EE Ecosystem

The rest I need more time to prepare and there will be future talk proposals such as "Java EE 8 in Action" and "Impossible is Not a Word: Serverless Enterprise Java". I am OK to wait a bit if these proposals are more compelling instead of what I have in hand now.

On 4/24/2019 11:35 AM, Tanja Obradovic wrote:

Hello All,

first a quick reminder that we have  Jakarta Tech Talk April 29th with Sebastian Daschner. Please join us!

I would also like to invite you again to take part and continue to sign up and suggest for future talks.  I am sure you all know by now where to find the  sign up Jakarta Tech Talk Google document and since we have the Jakarta EE wiki the link is available from there also.

Please note that we are still missing a speaker for May, so if you are available last week of May - please let me know so we can set it up.

Many thanks!!



Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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