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[] Jakarta EE Community Engagement

Hello all,

I would like to share with you the way we are engaging with the Jakarta EE community and invite you to be part of the Jakarta EE success! I am sure this is just a refresher for some of you, but I am also hoping we will reach new members as well and  inspire some to join the community as well.

I copied here content of the Jakarta EE Community Engagement  document that is available on the Jakarta EE Community drive also, and I invite you to connect, participate, sign up and let us know if you have additional thoughts.

Jakarta EE Community Engagement

The intention of the document is to list all the ways we currently engage with the community.

Social media

Jakarta EE on social media

  • Twitter: @JakartaEE

  • Facebook: Jakarta EE

  • LinkedIn Group: Jakarta.EE

Mailing lists

Subscribe to our mailing-lists

Note: people involved in a specific project have additional mailing lists available to them.

Newsletter / Blogs / emails

Eclipse Newsletter - while the EF newsletter occurs monthly, once a quarter the newsletter is dedicated to Jakarta EE

Jakarta Blogs -

In addition to above Jakarta blogs that are covering all Java Cloud related topics, we are adding the following


Jakarta Tech Talks - open to community

Jakarta EE Update (formerly: Jakarta EE WG) calls - open to WG  and wider community

  • Use the time slot for occasional updates from Eclipse Foundation and strategic members (Executive Director and panel)  - Jakarta Town Hall

Jakarta Town Hall

We had 2 very successful instances of town hall meetings - first at EclipseCon Europe 2018 and A year in review in late January 2019

EF organized Events and Conferences

JakartaOne Live - virtual one day event, targeting users and adopters. Planned for the second week of September 2019.

EclipseCon Europe - 4 day Eclipse event, with dedicated Cloud Native Java track, community day event scheduled, likely Jakarta Town Hall.  Scheduled for October 21-24, 2019.

Best regards,



Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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