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  • Re: [che-dev] UnsatisfiedLinkError when starting Che using OpenJDK, (continued)
  • [che-dev] Symbolic links in VFS, Sharafy, Tareq
  • [che-dev] Vote for Committer status for Evgen Vidolob has failed, portal on behalf of emo
  • [che-dev] Vote for Committer status for Vitaliy Guliy has failed, portal on behalf of emo
  • [che-dev] Question regarding che-plugin-git-server, Bolshakov, Alexander
  • [che-dev] Everrest 1.5.0, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Using dedicated backend services for single artifact processing, Sosin, Pavel
  • [che-dev] Che Git support and documentation, Cohen, Dror
  • Re: [che-dev] [che-core] Adding environment variables support to Builder.class (#115), Shapiro, Dany
  • [che-dev] Properties with type 'any' in DTOs, Sharafy, Tareq
  • [che-dev] Copy/Move with rename and overwrite pull request, Libhaber, Ori
  • [che-dev] adding environment variables support to Builder.class, Shapiro, Dany
  • [che-dev] Custom JSON field names for DTOs, Sharafy, Tareq
  • [che-dev] Analytics capability question, Fishman, Roy
  • [che-dev] Forwarding headers in Everret and HATEOAS, Sharafy, Tareq
  • [che-dev] NativeGit Status fix, Sharafy, Tareq
  • [che-dev] Changing the project metadata folder name to ".che", Okman, Lior
  • [che-dev] Custom syntax highlighting, gianluca
  • [che-dev] Lucene search enhancements, Sirich, Rima
  • [che-dev] Your friend sumudithavi@xxxxxxxxx cannot see your photo, sumudithavi
  • [che-dev] You have a new notification from sumudithavi@xxxxxxxxx. View??, sumudithavi
  • [che-dev] Release 3.10.0, Daria Dementieva
  • [che-dev] Welcome Oleksii Orel as a new technology.che Committer, portal on behalf of Gennady Azarenkov
  • [che-dev] sumudithavi@xxxxxxxxx has indicated you're a friend. Accept?, sumudithavi
  • [che-dev] a question regarding api: GET /project/{ws-id}/tree/{parent:.*}, Zil-Bar, Anat
  • [che-dev] DSL extension, gianluca

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