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[che-dev] Custom syntax highlighting

I'd like to have a custom syntax highlighter for my DSL, is there any examples on how I could do it?
Just as a side note, my parser runs on the server side, through a REST service, because it depends on external libraries that I can't provide the source code for in GWT.
Ideally, the colors should be different depending on the semantics of the tokens (for example, in Java, the color of a class name would be different than a variable name). I think Eclipse Che only highlights reserved keywords at the moment, so the colors of all identifiers are the same, regardless of their "meaning" (class name/variable name).
To reduce the impact of the network latency, I'd first highlight the reserved keywords (and maybe strings) on the client side and once the parsing is done on the server side, I'd highlight the other tokens accordingly.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this (at least  the custom client-side highlighting)?
Gianluca Righetto

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