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Re: [udig-devel] questions about JRE's and gdal

How would you like to proceed on this one? get everything working and do a pull request? or do several pull requests with testing at each step.

Let's finish the linux natives and after that we can go ahead.

Right now I'm totally confused how the relations are between catalog.geotools / catalog.imageio and all the others. I'm not sure but in my workspace the whole catalog.getools stack doesn't work:
- Datastore Shapefile (shp) extension can't be chosen within the Add Data Wizard, NPE occures --> WHAT's the different to catalog.shapefile ?!

The catalog.geotools wizard uses the GeoTools factory system; and nothing else. It is completely dependent on the GeoTools data stores factories supplying enough information to drive a user interface.

So it should be a an "easy" way to try out geotools data stores; without building a custom wizard for them. Indeed I was going to suggest adding a few more of the new geotools data stores into the mix for people to experiment with.

Do you have the stack trace of the NPE? 
- geotools itself tries to load imagio classes as well as imageio-ext classes - in udig the catalog.imageio does IMHO the same but in a totally different way.
I think the catalog.imageio was only trying to load them to see if it worked; the method that Daniele provided would be a better way to check?

Update: It looks like you have found *ImageUtilities*
- the  catalog.imageio doesn't work correctly for "jp2","j2k", net.refractions.udig.catalog.imageio.ImageServiceExtension.getFactoryForObject(URL, File) returns null (NITF), Any suggestions here?
My suggestion would be to step through that method; and watch each factory review the file; and see why they say no. 
- returns extenstions in a format the Wizard Dialog cant handle correctly (.shp instead of *.shp)
Okay let us fix that. 
- Is it correctly to have different providers (geotools, imageio) and which one is chosen if the user selects a file?
I marked the geotools one as "generic" so it is only considered as a last resort. The javadocs for ServiceFactoryImpl.isGeneric( String ) is the method used to check.

So basically the ServiceFactoryImpl does two passes with the connection parameters; it tries all the non generic implementations first; and then only uses the geotools one if nothing more specific is willing to play.
I guess a lot to do and to clarify. Please comment lines and I will, if necessary create JIRA issues for that. At first I'd like to get some feedback, some issues could be a problem with my environment!!
I am having a bit of trouble keeping up (as every email you  have answered your own questions; and have found news problems :D ). 

(Kind of like my email)

Would it be possible work together on IRC and try and grind through this QA together? It sounds like I can only really be directly useful if I set up a linux environment.


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