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Re: [udig-devel] questions about JRE's and gdal

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2012/1/6 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
Frank I am available for testing if needed.

Nice, I just pushed into jai branch the last refactorings. But currently gdal natives are only available for windows 32/64 bit right now.

I do have a linux VM setup; if a quick test confirmation is needed - however it is not one I use for active development so my ability to debug is limited. 

- You may as well delete  net.refractions.udig.jai and net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx from your branch if they are no longer useful.
- Can I try your branch on mac; to confirm the pure JAI and ImageIO jars work as expected?

You can, I will test as well. Independently from the host os, its required to have the libs/gdal and libs/jai_imageio bundles imported into workspace. I would suggest to use a clean JRE without any JAI and gdal jars/native libs.

How would you like to proceed on this one? get everything working and do a pull request? or do several pull requests with testing at each step.

Let's finish the linux natives and after that we can go ahead.

Right now I'm totally confused how the relations are between catalog.geotools / catalog.imageio and all the others. I'm not sure but in my workspace the whole catalog.getools stack doesn't work:
- Datastore Shapefile (shp) extension can't be chosen within the Add Data Wizard, NPE occures --> WHAT's the different to catalog.shapefile ?!
- geotools itself tries to load imagio classes as well as imageio-ext classes - in udig the catalog.imageio does IMHO the same but in a totally different way.
- the  catalog.imageio doesn't work correctly for "jp2","j2k", net.refractions.udig.catalog.imageio.ImageServiceExtension.getFactoryForObject(URL, File) returns null (NITF), Any suggestions here?
- returns extenstions in a format the Wizard Dialog cant handle correctly (.shp instead of *.shp)
- Is it correctly to have different providers (geotools, imageio) and which one is chosen if the user selects a file?

I guess a lot to do and to clarify. Please comment lines and I will, if necessary create JIRA issues for that. At first I'd like to get some feedback, some issues could be a problem with my environment!!

Cheers, Frank

Jody Garnett

On Friday, 6 January 2012 at 8:15 AM, Frank Gasdorf wrote:

Hello folks,

I pushed my jai /gdal native fragements to a branch ( a few minutes ago.

On win 7 its a bit strange that some required libraries are only available as 64bit versions. Its not possible to load gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.dll because of its dependencies. However, I got gdal natives started as a fragment of net.refractions.udig.libs but the Activator of the plugin initialize a class, that comes from a fragment if available. If the class loads the libs in a specific order to resolve dependencies correctly. Afterwards, it checks, whether a ECW extension is available : GDALUtilities.isDriverAvailable("ECW"), if it returns true a extension will be registered in ExtensionRegistry net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.fileFormat.
On my machine I could select ecw files in Add Data wizard (because of catalog.imageio extenstion points) but afterwards the wizard never finished because GDALUtilities.isDriverAvailable("ECW") was always false. Ok, if the extension is not available, the files cant be chosen anymore.

Just to wrap up, its a status we can talk about and properly test on pure windows 32 bit machines.

- create native fragments for linux 32 and 64 bit (can' test right now, will install OSGEO Live DVD later this month to check it out)
- feedback is required to check design issues
- refactoring of folder structure (from root/libs to root/plugins folder

I thank you so much for your help! Please feel free to add comments and questions at the branch sources;

Cheers, Frank    

2012/1/5 Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks Daniele!

I tried both, 64 and 32 bit builds from! But unfortunately the DependencyWalker shows that gpsvc.dll and IEShims.dll can not be resolved. In addition to the mapserver packages I downloaded the JRA for windows 32bit and analyzed the containing gdaljni.dll with dependency walker as well, same result the two libraries mentioned above are not accessible. 

My windows version is 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 (windows 7 64 bit)

I guess the gdal bundles work well on XP 32bit, but in 64bit modus seems something to be broken (on windows, not gdal).

Could anybody please crosscheckt this on an other win 7 64bit machine with I assume, the message in log would look like this: Can't find dependent libraries

Any suggestions? 

2012/1/5 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Frank,

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hm, I'm a bit confused. Installed a 32 bit jdk, I thought the libraries from gdal where build for an 32 bit environment and therefor it requires the 32 bit mvc-dll's, I'm wrong?

The net.reflactions.udig.libs bundle contains imageio-ext-gdal-bindings in version 1.7, I assume I need a 1.7.x gdal release. At the given download site ( the newest version is 1.6. I guess I come noth further that way, can I?



2012/1/5 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
HI Frank,

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A college of mine helped a bit to find out what's going on: I used to check what's missing on my host (win 7 64 bit). 

Right now it, the following two libraries can't be resolved:
GPSVC.dll and

Anyway, both can be found on my machine :
c:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\

Is it one of these 2 paths on your "PATH" environment variable?

If you still have troubles you can also consider using a different native lib set (since you are using windows64 instead of windows32).
You can try one of these:

You can also check for some suggestions on the imageio-ext mailing list about Windows 64:

Hope this helps. Please let me know how is going on.

Do you have any idea, how to solve this?

2012/1/5 Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hallo list,

in addition to the native library support for jai/imagio I'm working on bundles for gdal natives, where the net.refractions.udig.libs bundle with its imageio-ext-xxxx dependencies is the host plugin for the native fragments.
I tested on windows and added all native libraries to the fragment but at runtime I get the following error:

org.gdal.libs.win32\gdaljni.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

I'm wondering, which lib is in addition necessary and where to find it. I downloaded natives for windows from

I had a look at the sources of ( and the only System.loadLibrary() call is in the loadGDAL() method. 

Any suggestions? BTW, I was following the installation/configuration guide at :

Thanks a lot, Frank

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Software Engineer

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 962313


Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Software Engineer

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 962313


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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