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Re: [udig-devel] Problem compiling udig for the first time

From the wiki:

Using maven is the fastest way to download the required jars into libs:

1. You can use Maven 3 (or Maven 2) to download required jars from the
command line:
cd plugins/net.refractions.udig.libs
mvn install -f pom-libs.xml

Quite interesting. Could you provide a link to the wiki page.
Here is the link:
used the refresh.xml ant script this week and was wondering about the
miss match of manifest/classpath to the resulting lib folder content
(jcommons 0.13.0 vs. 0.16.0) the this week. IMHO we should remove the
ant-script, if its not maintained anymore to avoid problems building
udig form sources.
We had a change proposal on this; the idea was to make sure people were being successful with the maven script before removing the ant script. Note the ant script can be run from inside eclipse which is nice.

As for commons 0.13 vs 0.16 we did find the answer to that; it is actually some of the public maven repositories being inconsistent! 


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