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Re: [udig-devel] Problem compiling udig for the first time

Morning Can:

I was working on those instructions yesterday due to some questions. However it is looking like it is tripping up over perhaps a difference in version of Java?

Things to look for:
- Can I ask you what version of Java you are using; sometimes it shows up as "JRE System Library [...]" in the Package Explorer?
- Go over the compiler settings? Is it set for Java 6? We used to ask people explicitly set this; but since people use Java 6 now it shows up as the default?
- What version of Eclipse? I have some reports on the GeoTools project of people getting new creative compile errors around generics (i.e. exactly your problem) using the latest Eclipse 3.7.1 ?

As an example the NavigationPreferenceInitializer is very short and compiles with out error for me:

public class NavigationPreferenceInitializer extends AbstractPreferenceInitializer {


    public void initializeDefaultPreferences() {

        Preferences node = DefaultScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ToolsPlugin.ID); <--- LINE 17





That code is very simple so I am hard pressed to see where the problem is? But I suppose that will make it easier to fix ...

Could you check DefaultScope.INSTANCE - is that showing up for you?

Could you check ToolsPlugin.ID and check that it exists?

Other than that drop by on IRC and we can try and help?
Jody Garnett

On Friday, 16 December 2011 at 12:12 AM, Can Baldan wrote:

Hello everybody,

Sorry I am a newbie in the udig developer world. I have completed all the steps except "running the main application" at

I have been getting compile errors


INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field /net.refractions.udig.tool.default/src/net/refractions/udig/tools/internal line 17 Java Problem

INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field / line 16 Java Problem

The method getServiceReference(String) in the type BundleContext is not applicable for the arguments (Class<PreferencesService>) /eu.udig.catalog.csw/src/eu/udig/catalog/csw line 18 Java Problem

The type ServiceReference is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <PreferencesService> /eu.udig.catalog.csw/src/eu/udig/catalog/csw line 18 Java Problem


The probable reasons for build errors are listed as



Occasionally (after downloading the jars) the MANIFEST.MF file will still list errors. There are three main categories of errors.

New Jars

The maven repository has newer jars then the ones listed in the MANIFEST.MF - normally a uDig developer will update the list of jars on the runtime tab and commit the result - but you may be the first developer to notice!

  1. Open the MANIFEST.MF runtime tab
  2. Find the list of runtime jars - all except the first library.jar and delete them all
  3. Use the Add button; navigate to the lib folder; and select all the jars the refresh.xml script downloaded
  4. When you Save the MANIFEST.MF file; the java ".classpath" file will be recreated and all these new jars you identified will be placed on the CLASSPATH when compiling or running

Stale Packages

Specific Packages are no longer available and show up as errors.

  1. This occurs (after the ".classpath" is updated and we have clue about what is in the jars) when a jar from the internet has removed or renamed a package; or when a jar is no longer in used (and thus the packages it supplied are no longer available to be published).
  2. You can go through the MANIFEST.MF and remove each problem package; or you can right click on the the plugin and choose *PDE Tools > Organized Manifest". This will attempt to publish all the packages that are found on the .classpath

Duplicate Jars

Duplicate jars show up (usually after you have run refresh.xml more then once)

  1. This occurs when jars from the internet are updated with a newer version; you can either delete the older version; or run the refresh.xml "full build" target which removes the lib folder and downloads everything from scratch

Further potential problems are listed:


I really need a jumpstart here, I have no clue so far about what exactly might the problem(s) might be. Would anybody have suggestions?

Thank you in advance...

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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