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Re: [udig-devel] Re: JGrass and uDig

> Without seeing any of the responses so far I'm just going to say "Welcome" :-).
> Now I'm going to read the other replies and see if I can add to the
> conversation.

Thanks for your welcome :)

> Not necessarily...  There is some serious performance issues we have right now 
> because our renderers renders are dependent on Graphics2D class but there are 
> platform issues with the SWT_AWT Bridge so we have been converting the images 
> SWT images.  But this solution is too inefficient so I am researching alternate 
> approaches.  Using JOGL is one approach that excites me and I am researching how 
> that requirement would affect our users.  What machines does it require 
> (graphics card memory size for example), what are the platform issues, etc...  
> One of the side effects of adding JOGL would be the the ability to do 3D but it 
> is not one of my focuses.  

Alright. The jogl approach has been one of our big issues, since we
followed it starting from gl4java (from were it mainly started) until it
was taken into the specifications of the JDK. Every once in a while we
wanted to chenge, since it gave us big, big, big problems with different
videocards. Therefore in JGrass every "displayable object" had to
implementations of the display method, which does the rendering. One
goes to the gl context and the other to the java2d context. This has
been big overhead.
Jogl gave us problems with some different ATI cards, both on windows and
linux (in fact also on older ibooks). 
Jogl conflicts with java3D libraries and at some point I remember to
have had problems also with the jai package, but that seems to be gone.

Also the opengl canvas is heavyweight, which gave us problems of
resizing through dragging and also with other issues. BTW I think these
should be better now, since there should be a good opengl/java2d

All this issues kept us more time on solving problems, instead of
developing a nice displaysystem for example based on tyling or whatever.

Did you already see this?

> FYI.  We have the idea of a ViewportPane the actual choice used by the 
> application is can be largely changed without affecting the rest of the 
> application.

I do not understand exactly what you mean here. The actual system is
based on what? SWT graphics? The jogl approach would require to start already 
with the 3d approach in order to have already things set, i.e. with
frustum, different angles and camera.


> Jesse
> Quoting Antonello Andrea <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > * [A.D. 23/01/07 10:51], Cory Horner <chorner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> probably
> > wrote:
> > > Antonello Andrea wrote:
> > > >... What would be dismissed (a tear drops from my eye)
> > > >is the opengl pipeline through jogl, that wasn't at a final state, but
> > > >it was coming slowly and was extremely fast in rendering, even if we were
> > > >slow in reading the data :) (I noticed however that uDig is a bit heavy on
> > > >this).
> > >
> > > Don't fret, Jesse was experimenting with opengl and jogl just last week!
> > >
> > > I believe he has a community plugin with his progress.
> > 
> > That sounds very interesting... :)
> > Is this ment for 3D view?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >
> >
> > 

HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling
Siemens Str. 19 via Siemens
I-39100 Bozen - Bolzano

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
PhD Student at
JGrass, Free Open Source GIS
tel.     +39 0471 068065  
mobile:  +39 328 8497722
fax:     +39 36 328 8497722
email:   andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Let it be as much a great honour to take as to give learning,
if you want to be called wise."
Skuggsja' - The King's mirror - 1240 Reykjavik

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