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[udig-devel] uDIG request to GeoServer breaks DB2DataStore

I'm not sure where the problem is arising, but a getBounds request is being issued with the geometry column name in the filter set to null which is not helpful. Also, the BBOX request is turned into an 'intersects' filter which is not as efficient.

This is the request that is going from uDIG to GeoServer:,37.1,-121.8,37.4&TYPENAME=topp:SCHOOLS

The GeoServer trace shows:
[INFO] org.vfny.geoserver.servlets.AbstractService - handling request:
Request: null
output format:GML2
max features:2147483647
 Query []
  feature type: topp:SCHOOLS
filter: [ null intersects POLYGON ((-122 37.1, -122 37.4, -121.8 37.4, -121.8 37.1, -122 37.1)) ]
  [properties:  ALL ]

With the geometry column as null, no spatial predicate is applied which means all rows are returned and then the bounds and the result set filtered programmatically.

Am I missing something?

I can probably rework the filter to use the default geometry column but this seems a bit messy.

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