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Re: [udig-devel] Vector Editing Tools (was Creating new datasets...)


Sounds like what we were doing. I'm trying to push for a full open source workflow, so clipping and other geoprocessing is done through GRASS. Digitizing and line munipulation through QGIS. many of the GIS apps coming out in the open source world lack GOOD vector editing, and manipulation (geoprocessing?). I'll probably resurect JUMP until some better tools come around.

if you have not explored GRASS (6.1 CVS) and QGIS (0.7 pre 1)take a look at the new vector engine.

I like the web stuff with UDIG so would like to see some good DEV with local vectors (then export EVRYTHING as a MAP file). That would make at least one happy GIS GRUNT.


I'm working on editing now and for the next little while. The work flow I'm looking at is a cross between Arc 3.2 and JUMP. Tabular feature view is a certainty being able to select features and paste then onto a new layer is also most definately a requirement. As is defining new layers, vertex snapping to grids and other vertices. Much of the existing work flow will be much improved to provide better feed back about what the heck is going on.

I've made a wiki page that has my current ideas. Everyone is welcome to throw ideas up there.

With regards to linux.  Most of us here work on linux.


Dave Sampson wrote:


we were bleeding (hurtin) edge during JUMP's life, I run 6.1 CVs for GRASS, 0.7 pre1 for QGIS and continue using old defunct tools from USGS, and still battle the bugs of ARC 3.2.

Sooo if there is something I can do to help UDIG start developing tools for local vector stuff that would be great. I would probably belong more in a community environment than the developers environment anyhow with my petty squables.

Does the Dev Env setup for Linux? I do dual boot but try to resist windows at work. The where do i go to learn how to compile Java and configure UDIG for compiling? (this is new ground). Please let it be similar to the linux approach

make install
make clean

something tells me it is not so simple.

For other vector tools I could write out a list, but realy, I'm sure you know what ESRI/AUTODESK/INTERMAP etc include. What's needed? All and more before I can convince partners to also use UDIG. But I'll test where I can.

The basic criteria I am looking for is to take the clipped selected features and overlay them on the master layer. if all the geometry and tabular data remain intact then I am happy.

First we start with local files (easiest), then we examine what happens with postgis (this should be easier as its relay just SQL statements). thenthe ultimate would be to grab coverages off of WFS and turn them into local shapes (I like to dream).


Dave Sampson wrote:


thanks for the repsonse....

Devel env for UDIG. Nope, is there a tutorial on setting one up I assume its java and eclipse. no experience with java or eclipse other than having tried setting up the environment and java SDE once and messed things up large. Scared ever since.

Well we do have a Quickstart, development env takes about 30 min to set up.

how would I be able to preview the tutorial to see if I would even want to try?

Well the raw source code is here:

But the course that goes along with that is something you have to fly me out for.

If there is ever a need for acid testers of exporting shapes I can help as I'm constantly splitting, merging, cutting, clipping and filtering shapes files (but stuck in the ESRI world for that). If I get a good result then I know right away, if I don't I can try to forward what went wrong. Who do I talk to in order to help out?

The devel list (and me). So you are doing it already.

Lets try another approach. I want to set up a community section for the project. Where extra stuff that is not ready for prime-time can live. If I can setup a shape export wizard there you can try it out, and we can refine it until you are happy (and then include it in the public release).

As I said earlier showing up with a problem and testing time is a very good way to contribute to an open source project.

I'll dump some thoughts in the bug tracker (wishlist).

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

|Dave Sampson: Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician	|
|								|
|Centre for Sustainable Watersheds				|
|Cooperative Approaches to Protect Canada's Water Resources	|
|								|
|14 Water St, P.O Box 280. Portland Ontario, Canada. K0G 1V0	|
|Lat: 44.700	Long: -76.19					|
|		gis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx		|

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