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Re: [udig-devel] Creating new dataset from selected features.

Dave Sampson wrote:
I would like to load a dataset (ESRI SHP), select features using the select square, once the features are highlighted I would like to copy those to a new layer. That is I would like to pick out lakes in my area instead of for the whole province. Equivalent to arc make new shapefile.

I have had no luck with QGIS or UDIG, having projection issues in GRASS, and have not re-downloaded JUMP yet (I think I remember doing it in JUMP before). I'm stuck. Any other sugestions? Or is it back to Arcview?

One of the students in the recent training course did something similar to this. Quick question is do you have a development environment? Based on the export shapefile tutorial source code (in svn) it should be about a 5 line change to export the "selection" for the current layer.

The tutorial currently shows how to export the current layer.

If you don't have time or facilities please place this as a Wish in the bug tracker for the UDIG 1.0.1 release.

P.S If I live on the bleeding edge is there a plugin or other snapshot I can use?

Actually that would help a lot, if we know there is interest in an issue from the user community (and can get help with testing) it goes a long way.

As for the bleeding edge - We do have a nightly release system, Last release is from Thursday. We are going to package up a release tomorrow for Chris Holmes. And then focus on uDig 1.0.1 (db2 support and update manager).

The support page ( contains links to the uDig Roadmap and issue tracker.

Thanks for you interest,

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