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Re: [sumo-user] Realistic Simulation with traffic data and calibration


I wanted to add bus stops and bus routes to my simulation and used the
public transport export of osmWebWizard. This works fine for that network,
but I want to use it with my old network which I also got via osmWebWizard,
but I reduced it by deleting some edges. The reason behind this was that I
don't have traffic counts for the whole selected area in osm but only along
the route of my egoCar. 

Is there an option for osm_stops.add.xml and osm_pt.rou.xml to ignore edges
that are missing in the network?
In the cfg there is: 
        <ignore-route-errors value="true"/>
but sumo-gui throws errors. 

It would probably be easier to use the new and bigger, but I
guess the traffic flow would be less accurate because of the missing

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