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Re: [sumo-user] Realistic Simulation with traffic data and calibration

0) I'm happy to hear that you could resolve the Warning: no routes pass edge by correcting your input
1) osmWebWizard is already using the recommended options so you would not gain anything by setting the options yourself
2) joining junctions works more reliably in car-only networks. If you do not wish to simulated pedestrians, bicycles etc, the setting the option passenger (or setting the osmWebWizard option 'car-only' network) will create in more successful joins
3) In the latest development version, routeSampler provides for two different methods to define non-consecutive turning relations (


Am Sa., 28. März 2020 um 07:28 Uhr schrieb Tetris <schmelter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I wanted to get rid of the traffic jam by improving my network.

So I used the direct osm export instead of osmWebWizard to use the
recommended netconvert options.

Then I ran for the new network to use the output as input for

There are now 9 warnings "Warning: no routes pass edge" instead of 5. The
GEH with the network from osmWebWizard was GEH<5 for 84.34%, now it is GEH<5
for 79.52%.

There is a complete junction with this warning for every edgeRelation. So I
thought I should look up the new edgeRelations in Netedit for the new
network and update the turncount file, but I still get the same warning.

To check that I don't take the wrong edges I created a route for that turn
in Netedit and took only the two consecutive edges for my turncount file.

The random routes file from even contains a route with these
two consecutive edges! Why does routeSampler not find this route?

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