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Re: [science-iwg] Review BoF EclipseCon

At Eclipse, we assign ids to projects. The ids take the form of <top-level>.<project>. So we have, for example, projects named technology.egit, and technology.kura. We also have more deeply nested projects like modeling.emf.cdo. In general, I tend to discourage that sort of project nesting primarily because it's just not necessary. The project id is not widely exposed. It is part of the URL for project "information pages" (e.g.

The last segment of the id is the short name (e.g. technology.kura's short name is "kura"); we use that in the Java package and OSGi bundle names (e.g. org.eclipse.kura). We tackle namespace rules for other languages as they come up. That name is also used for the project's optional website (e.g. and downloads directory (e.g. I encourage the use of the short name in wiki page names as well (e.g. "Kura/Getting Started").

Using just the short name in namespaces makes it far less disruptive on adopters/consumers when a project switches from, say the Technology top-level project to the new and shiny Science top-level project.



On 11/05/2013 05:50 PM, Mike Milinkovich wrote:

Before everyone gets too committed to this namespace, let's check with Wayne Beaton. My recollection is that the current recommendation is that project namespaces be simply org.eclipse.projectname, and not include the top-level project. 

But Wayne's the guy who knows :)

From: Jay Jay Billings
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 5:44 PM
To: Science Industry Working Group
Reply To: Science Industry Working Group
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Review BoF EclipseCon

+1 from me too for


On Nov 5, 2013 4:44 PM, "UOMo" <uomo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just to add, I also feel OK with the package hierarchy suggestions other than the name of the project top level;-)


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:45 PM, <science-iwg-request@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Review BoF EclipseCon (Stephan Druskat)
   2. Re: Review BoF EclipseCon (Torkild U. Resheim)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:01:44 +0100
From: Stephan Druskat <stephan.druskat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Review BoF EclipseCon
Message-ID: <20131105210144.57790v7t4keb96zk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Hi All,

+1 for*, just because it's nice and generic and
probably un-trademark-able.

Other than that I like Matt & Philip's suggestions.

Stephan Druskat

Zitat von UOMo <uomo@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Just saw, Scisoft or the ESO (EU Observatory) software artifact is even
> called "eclipse", too, for obvious
> reasons, it deals with Solar or Lunar Eclipse observation, there is no
> evidence of Eclipse software being used, but that makes the combination of
> "eclipse" and "scisoft" even more irritating.
> Especiallly that looks like a very professional and well-established
> project, even if there may not be a trademark.
> Werner

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Wayne Beaton
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