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Re: [incquery-dev] eclipsecon example


István: I strongly disagree with relying on the editor instead of the builder: that is very clunky and if will suggest to put other features there as well. Remember the parsing of VTCL files in VIATRA? The builder is a nice place to solve this issue, and is consistent with the way Xtext handles its stuff.

Tamás: On the other hand, how does the builder start when the editor is opened? I understand that in case of any file changes the builder is executed, thus making the registry consistent with the model. Is this only a miscommunication, or is there something special I don't understand?

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.10.23., at 15:38, István Ráth <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Wouldn't it be better to avoid the warnings in eiq files by making sure the
> validator uses the target platform extension registry?
> I think it would be a safer approach to stop relying on builder side
> effects and really use our editor for initialization (and cleanup) purposes.
> Abel, any thoughts?
> On Wednesday, October 23, 2013, Tamas Szabo wrote:
>> I committed the changes to solve this issue. The registry now uses weak
>> collections to store the features.
>> Dynamic case: the builder does the work. When you open the editor the
>> builder will be invoked automatically so it is not needed to register the
>> features in some editor code again.
>> Generated case: the extensions are put to the plugin.xml by the generator
>> and this will be used later.
>> I have checked it with both cases and it works, please let me know if
>> something is missing.
>> On second thought, my last idea should NOT be used, as the
>> WellbehavingDerivedFeatureRegistry is in base, which should not have
>> logical or semantic dependency on query-based features!
>> Weak collections are OK, as dynamic mode is something that BASE is
>> concerned with (and QBF should not be, but that's another issue).
>>   Ábel Hegedüs
>> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
>> Department of Measurement and Information Systems
>> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
>> On 23 October 2013 12:22, Ábel Hegedüs <abel.hegedus@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Another idea: query-based features have a very specific EAnnotation, that
>> could be checked in the isWellbehaving call (see SDF for an example). In
>> order to increase performance, this check is only needed if the feature is
>> not in the registry. However, the result should not be cached, as that
>> leads back to the weak collection problem again.
>> Combining the weak collection and the annotation checking, we could
>> completely avoid having to create wellbehaving extensions for query-based
>> features, as they are registered automatically the first time they are
>> encountered. Of course, this works only if the EAnnotations on the feature
>> are always available.
>>    Ábel Hegedüs
>> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
>> Department of Measurement and Information Systems
>> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
>> On 23 October 2013 12:12, Istvan Rath <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Ábel Hegedüs wrote:
>>  On 23 October 2013 11:30, Tamas Szabo <tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Finally, what about the case when the builder did not run? AFAIK, you
>> created the model editor to work in these cases (thus the query spec
>> registration in the SDF). Shouldn't it (also/instead) register the features?
>> --
>> Tamas Szabo
>> Software engineer
>> Tel.:   +49 711 342 191 0
>> Fax.:   +49 711 342 191 29
>> Mobil:  +49 171 565 416 9
>> Web:
>> Mail:   tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'tamas.szabo@xxxxxxxxx');>
>> Skype:  szabta89
>> itemis AG
>> Niederlassung Süd
>> Meitnerstr. 10
>> 70563 Stuttgart
>> Rechtlicher Hinweis:
>> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20621 | Sitz der Gesellschaft:
>> Lünen
>> Vorstand: Jens Wagener (Vorsitzender) | Wolfgang Neuhaus | Dr. Georg
>> Pietrek | Jens Trompeter | Sebastian Neus
>> Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vorsitzender) | Stephan Grollmann
>> | Michael Neuhaus
> -- 
> Istvan RATH, PhD
> Research fellow
> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
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