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Re: [incquery-dev] eclipsecon example

Two more notes:
- this behavior is observed with the Query Explorer as well as the QBF on the Properties View
- this behavior is observed with the generated domain editor, meaning it probably has nothing to do with our recent code change to avoid using the QuerySpec registry

Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Istvan Rath wrote:

Just to entertain everyone, it seems we've been happy too early to declare that using QBFs inside QBFs work.

@QueryExplorer(display = true)

pattern weirdBook3(B : Book) {

Book.allCitations(B, B); // doesn't work


@QueryExplorer(display = true)

pattern weirdBook4(B : Book) {

find allBookCitations(B,B); // works


They have the same behavior both in dynamic and generated mode. I also get a warning on weirdBook3 saying I'm using a non-well-behaving DF - can this be eliminated in a short timeframe?

Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Istvan Rath wrote:


On Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Tamas Szabo wrote:

I am a bit confused now; I have just checked this thing and it seems to be working properly. I had the following validation queries (you also had these right?):
It also works for me now. I must have missed something before… (let's hope so)

I have committed my version to the repository now (but it is more or less equivalent to yours).
The length call still cannot be used in the check :(
Actually, it can be used, you will get a weird classpath error inside the Ecore editor, but it will work correctly nonetheless (in dynamic mode). Shall we disable the "Errors" tab altogether from the editor for the sake of the demo? :-)

These mysterious cases bother me a bit:
- cyclic dependency error
- indirect referencing
- classpath
- …

I hope these are effects of the "beta-ish" 2.5 Xtext and not our mistakes.


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

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