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  • Re: [cdi-dev] Lifecycle events in Extension, (continued)
  • [cdi-dev] Invitation to discuss proposals for future CDI release, Matej Novotny
  • Re: [cdi-dev] [jakartaee-platform-dev] Specification backward compatibility requirements, Reza Rahman
  • Re: [cdi-dev] Ambassadors' Jakarta EE 11 Contributor Guide, Reza Rahman
  • [cdi-dev] CDI history question: non-void observer methods, Ladislav Thon
  • [cdi-dev] Make CDI meetings biweekly, Matej Novotny
  • [cdi-dev] Developer survey questions, Emily Jiang
  • [cdi-dev] @Inject UserTransaction in CDI spec, should be in Transactions?, arjan tijms
  • [cdi-dev] cancel CDI calls for the rest of summer?, Ladislav Thon
  • Re: [cdi-dev] [glassfish-dev] A test added in CDI TCK 4.0.5 is failing with GlassFish, Scott Marlow
  • [cdi-dev] CDI TCK for Core Profile - test count?, Brian M Decker
  • [cdi-dev] 4.0.4 TCK released, Scott Stark
  • [cdi-dev] HTTP 500 error incompatible processing, Alfonso Altamirano
  • [cdi-dev] Did GlassFish ever pass ContainerEventTest#testProcessInjectionTargetEventFiredForTagHandler, arjan tijms
  • [cdi-dev] Why are CDI 4.0 Full implementations required to also provide SE (e.g.*) support?, Scott Marlow

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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