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Re: [cdi-dev] Backward compatibility switch for CDI Full impl WRT empty beans.xml (was Re: Invitation to discuss proposals for future CDI release)

If you read the spec carefully then it says:

IF you have a beans.xml AND have a version tag wich version > 1.1 THEN the default is annotated.
For an empty beans.xml or if a version tag is not set then the default beans-discovery-mode is ALL.

Why not keep that?
If you want to use cdi-lite then just create a beans.xml with version="4.0" and all is fine.

> The empty descriptor was also ambigous since folks were still creating them in new projects long after 1.1 was released. 

Oki, so now why change it? Does this mean you want to keep empty beans.xmls around for cdi-lite? Really, this change makes no sense, sorry.

If you really wanted to force users that empty beans.xml and beans.xml with no version tag should be avoided then the most sensible way would have been to log out a warning that it will cease to be supported from CDI-5.0 on and also declare that in the spec. But not just change the default from one version to the next.

The compat flag you mention also has not much to do with CDI. Long story short: It is for switching off auto-bean-discovery. This was introduced in CDI-1.1 for compat with libraries which have optional support for Spring, Guice or any other JSR-330 container which have an Scope. If you pick up such a class as CDI bean it might have cause problems because per the definition of 'bean defining annotations' in CDI those would have been included. Note that the definition of 'bean defining annotations' have later (CDI-1.2) been amended to be more precise and do not include JSR-330 scopes anymore. Note in addition that by doing this now we don't pick up any other pseudo scopes except @Dependent which is why we later introduced bean-discovery-mode="ALL" in conjunction with the <trim/> tag.


Am 23.02.2023 um 03:11 schrieb Jason Greene <jason.greene@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Sorry David, I didn't mean to bury your suggestion with that reply :/ So we do have a version on the element since 1.1 (~10 years ago), and since 1.1 you are required to explicitly declare the discovery mode. Since 1.1 the default was annotated. The spec used to treat the absence of a 1.1+ version and absence of a discovery mode specification (would infivsyr either a 1.0 schema or an empty file in that case) as having a discovery mode of all. That allowed for some level of compatibility with 1.0 applications, although it was imperfect since you had to sometimes use a global flag. The empty descriptor was also ambigous since folks were still creating them in new projects long after 1.1 was released. 

This is just me sharing my opinion, and as I disclaimer I don’t actively work on the spec these days, but I like the idea of doing this sort of thing you describe generally. Although, in balance,  I do think we should also retire technical debt eventually (im a fan of EE pruning)  So in the specific case of 4.0, with much more dramatic changes to EE9/10 occurring, I thought the group made a good call in retiring that debt (notably that section of the spec is a clearer read IMO).

All the best,

On Feb 22, 2023 at 6:39:26 PM, David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That’s a pretty great recap of the history.  Any thoughts on potentially discouraging people from the empty beans.xml and encouraging users supply a namespace+root element in their beans.xml?  

There would only be benefit if we put a version in the namespace, but it would allow us to shield a user from changes in defaults.

Not married to the idea myself, just curious what people think.

On Feb 22, 2023, at 4:31 PM, Jason Greene <jason.greene@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Feb 15, 2023 at 3:39:52 PM, David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks all for the responses!

On Feb 15, 2023, at 1:50 AM, Matej Novotny <manovotn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


> In terms of the old scanning behavior with an empty beans.xml.  If a user modified their old application so that the empty beans.xml now contained `<beans bean-discovery-mode=“all”/>` would that enable the old behavior?

Yes, this is exactly the same as it was, the change only affects users that relied on the default value (i.e. had empty beans.xml).
Note that `all` discovery mode is only required to work in CDI Full.

Thanks for confirming.  I’d like to withdraw my comment here as I didn’t fully understand users already do have a way to take action to portably get the previous behavior.


I’d actually support removing the "products must contain an option” sentence and replace with a “use this declaration to get the old behavior” commend that shows the exact <beans bean-discovery-mode=“all”/> snippet people can copy/paste into their empty beans.xml.

While it’s certainly smart for products to have such an option, my perspective is if they don’t do it they’re only shooting their own foot.  We don’t need to spend time/energy ensuring they’re competitive — they should be smart and do that themselves.

> Also, do we still use the convention of an empty beans.xml for anything? (I’m guessing it enables the new behavior?)

Yes, empty beans.xml now defaults to `annotated` discovery mode and is used in both CDI Lite and Full.

Random suggestion/option based on past history with xml-based breaking changes; we could potentially discontinue the “empty” part and start requiring people at least fill in the namespace and root element.

Not really married to the suggestion as much as throwing it out there.

Bean discovery has been one of those areas that has evolved over time, with IMO really good reasons, but unfortunately those came with unavoidable (IMO minor compatibility impacts).

Others know the history better than me, but roughly speaking:

CDI 1.0 -> 1.1 Introduction of Implicit / explicit, which allowed for archives without beans.xml to get CDI behavior. This was an important goal for EE7 (make CDI accessible by default), but it did have some breaking aspects including requiring a vendor to implement a flag to change behavior: 

"For compatibility with Contexts and Dependency 1.0, products must contain an option to cause an archive to be ignored by the container when no beans.xml is present.”

The 1.1 schema also required manual configuration for "all" 

CDI 1.1 -> 1.2 

The rules behind bean defining annotations changed because the previous change flagged too many things that didn’t want CDI to suddenly be required to have CDI (e.g. Guice and other 330 impls). Explicit declarations were once again required to sort out behavior differences.

And then now the empty behavior change in 4.0, which you could view as just getting rid of long deprecated behavior (a late remnant of 1.0)


Where this saved us before was between Connector 1.0 and 1.5 the META-INF/ra.xml file was actually completely reworked.  I mean a sledge hammer was taken to that file and by comparison us changing the default value of bean-discovery-mode is pretty tiny.

Despite the massive breaking change, most of us were able to support both the old and new formats without any user action by just looking at the xml namespace.  If you saw the old j2ee namespace you processed it the old way, if you saw the new javaee namespace you processed it the new way.  If the user didn’t supply the namespace, well they got what they got.

If we made users supply a namespace+root element in their beans.xml and that namespace had a version in it, we would be able to change the logic/defaults at any time while still being able to support old apps seamlessly.  In practice, putting a namespace+root element in their beans.xml is not that hard and most users would just copy it from another module.

We could still support the empty beans.xml, but we could have a comment in the spec that basically says “if you use this, don’t get mad at us when things change” and a clear statement on the right way to do it.

Random thought if we wanted to protect ourselves while still being able to make these kinds of changes in the future.


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