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Re: [cdi-dev] [jakartaee-platform-dev] Specification backward compatibility requirements

Thanks for chiming in Arjan.
I would like to note that while we indeed started from a proposal based on build-time approach that Quarkus does, Graeme (Micronaut) quickly joined in and we did many back and forths around the API.
Their path to Lite leads via annotation processing and as such is very different from what Quarkus does - CDI Lite allows both to find a common ground and build a specification basis off of that.

Last but not least, while Weld wasn't the primary target, it certainly wasn't forgotten and fully supports the current CDI model as well as passes its TCKs.
We were constantly making sure that what we design can work in and be implemented by CDI Full implementations and there were numerous changes done solely because of that.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 4:01 PM Arjan Tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 8:39 PM Mark Struberg <struberg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
does it make sense for users/consumers of Jakarta EE? Is it worth for them, or does it only benefit one certain implementation (which is not even Jakarta EE but seems to be the origin of this change)?

This topic actually did came up in the calls once or twice. Matej&Ladislav mentioned to mainly represent and care for the Quarkus use case. Not even Weld in general, but just Quarkus. CDI Lite specifically specified what Quarkus did, so Quarkus could be certified too. 

Now the question is, is this bad?

Essentially, in its core it isn't IMHO. Each vendor or other party always represents their own primary use case, and many features that have been introduced into the spec in the past have been based on standardizing existing implementations. There's nothing really new or extraordinary there.

What is kinda new is that CDI recently has been devolved to having only active committers from one implementation, which is Weld, participating. And that single implementation is not even represented fully, since of the aforementioned Quarkus importance.

If I'm not mistaken, representatives from OWB weren't present in any of the CDI calls from last year, and didn't participate in much of the issues / PRs either. That fact alone may have nudged CDI 4.0 strongly in the direction of Quarkus, since the Quarkus people were almost the only ones doing any pulling.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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