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  • Re: [aspectj-dev] It's a whole new genre.... announcing the AspectJ 5 M2 *candidate* build, (continued)
  • [aspectj-dev] perJoinPoint, Ťavoda Pavel
  • [aspectj-dev] Xlint / invalidWildcardTypeName, Oli B.
  • [aspectj-dev] around advice & exceptions, Rafal Krzewski
  • [aspectj-dev] aspectj1.0, sree
  • [aspectj-dev] AJ 5 @AJ and aspectOf, Alexandre Vasseur
  • [aspectj-dev] Pointcut overloading, Eric Bodden
  • [aspectj-dev] Pointcut question, Andreas Mueller
  • [aspectj-dev] Re: Outcomings or not-outcomings of the perobjects BOF, Nicholas Lesiecki
  • [aspectj-dev] aop security, Balasubramanian Sankararaman
  • [aspectj-dev] Outcomings or not-outcomings of the perobjects BOF, Eric Bodden
  • [aspectj-dev] Pointcutting questions on specific anonymous inner classes, Keven Ring
  • [aspectj-dev] PerObject MiniBoF @ AOSD, Nicholas Lesiecki
  • [aspectj-dev] how to become aspectj5 developper ?, Mac
  • [aspectj-dev] roadmap for M2, M3, M4, Oli B.
  • [aspectj-dev] Dummy variables on AspectJ, Rodrigo Gonçalves
  • [aspectj-dev] having trouble building, Gunny Lee
  • [aspectj-dev] adding a new operator to aspectj compiler, Gunny Lee
  • [aspectj-dev] declare annotation, Oli B.
  • [aspectj-dev] Annotation pointcut, Oli B.
  • [aspectj-dev] Perobject (mini?)-bof at aosd?, Nicholas Lesiecki
  • [aspectj-dev] dynamic tests on CFlow PCD threadlocal stack, Valerio Schiavoni
  • [aspectj-dev] template implementation for interface, Rice Yeh
  • [aspectj-dev] Pointcut shadows in newer releases?, ervalerio
  • [aspectj-dev] Ant task and -1.5 ajc option for AspectJ 5, Dean Wampler
  • [aspectj-dev] annotations and "circularity in declare precedence", Oli B.
  • [aspectj-dev] BEA JVM support for AOP, Wes Isberg
  • [aspectj-dev] classes without package, Alexandre Vasseur

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