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Re: [aspectj-dev] Pointcut question


thanks for the answer.

Well, I tried to provide a simple example from my more complex code. However, this simple thing seems to work.

Here is what I want to do actually:

pointcut createConnection() : call(public * javax.jms.*ConnectionFactory.create*Connection(..));

If I look into the generated classes, the advice was inserted into


but not into

QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(String user, String password)

The implementation code of the javax.jms.*ConnectionFactory internally calls createQueueConnection(null,null) when createQueueConnection() is called.



Andreas Mueller
IIT GmbH, Bremen/Germany

Dawrani, Roshan wrote:

	I don't think you are doing anything wrong here. The way you
have defined the pointcut will make sure that advice covers both
overloads of doStuff. I just tried writing an aspect with your pointcut and a test class with
the 2 doStuff overloads as follows:

public aspect Test {
	pointcut myPointcut() : call(public void doStuff(..));

	before() : myPointcut(){
		System.out.println("myPointcut = '"
				+ "'");

public class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Test test = new Test();

	public void doStuff()

	public void doStuff(String s)

And the output that I get is: myPointcut = 'void com.aspect.experiments.classes.Test.doStuff()'
myPointcut = 'void com.aspect.experiments.classes.Test.doStuff(String)'
So, the advice is covering both the overloaded methods, right? I am also
new to AOP. Correct me if I am wrong or if I have misunderstood your

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Mueller [mailto:am@xxxxxx] Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 2:17 PM
To: aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aspectj-dev] Pointcut question


let's say I have the following methods in a class:

public void doStuff()

public void doStuff(String s)
   // do stuff

Here is the point cut:

pointcut myPointcut() : call(public void doStuff(..));

I would expect that an advice would be inserted in both doStuff methods.

But it's only inserted into doStuff(), not in doStuff(String). I've tried also to define the point cut as follows:

pointcut myPointcut() : call(public void doStuff()) ||
			call(public void doStuff(String));

With the same result.

Any hints how do I get the trick to get the advice inserted into both methods?


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