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Re: [aspectj-dev] perJoinPoint

Good idea, but if you would like to make real difference between perJoinPoint
and perJoinPointStatic, for perJoinPoint you can use percflow or percflowbellow.
Isn't it same?


On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 09:24 -0800, Ramnivas Laddad wrote:
I too have come across the same need. In my case, I wanted to store 
profile information per-join point (static part).
While using hashmaps works, it is inefficient in many situations.

A form of per-association will work (and JBoss AOP has such aspect 
Actually, there may be need for two kinds of associations: 
perJoinPointStaticPart and perJoinPoint.
While these new  aspect associations might work, I have a simpler 
proposal to address the need.
I will like to add the following APIs:

    void JoinPoint.StaticPart.setUserObject(Object)
    Object JoinPoint.StaticPart.getUserObject()

And, for symmetry,

    void JoinPoint.setUserObject(Object)
    Object JoinPoint.getUserObject()

Then I will be able to store profile information as follows:

Object around() : profiled() {
    long startTime = getTime();
    Object ret = proceed();
    long endTime = getTime();

    ProfileInfo jpStats = 
    if(jpStats == null) {
        thisJoinPointStaticPart.setUserObject(new ProfileInfo());

Just submitted an enhancement request:


Eric Bodden wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>No, this is not easily possible at the moment (see the perobjects
>discussion we had earlier). One workaround would be to store the
>joinpoint-specifc state in a hashmap. I think you can even use an
>identity hashmap, since joinpoints are pooled IIRC.
>Of course for large problems you might accumulate quite a lot of
>state over the runtime. But this is more a general problem rather
>than specific to AspectJ.
>- --
>Eric Bodden
>Chair I2 for Programming Languages and Program Analysis
>RWTH Aachen University
>From: aspectj-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:aspectj-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tavoda Pavel
>Sent: Donnerstag, 24. März 2005 11:58
>To: aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [aspectj-dev] perJoinPoint
>Is it possible to achieve something like perJoinPoint aspect?
>I would like to calculate some statistics for method execution.
>Version: PGP 8.0.3
>aspectj-dev mailing list
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Ing. Pavel Tavoda
+421 2 5822 6540
Spordat s.r.o

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