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Re: [viatra-dev] [458324] Build job restructure


2015-02-19 19:57 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
That script copies the release into the downloads area where I have only permission to write into those projects where I am committer.

But yes, that is something I have forgotten to ask the webmaster to fix. :)

In the meantime, please return it to its original form. Thanks.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

> On 2015. febr. 19., at 18:54, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...which apparently wasn't a good idea, since the job fails with:
> cp: target `/home/data/httpd/' is not a directory
> Zoli, do you maybe have the permissions to create that folder?
> 2015-02-19 18:31 GMT+01:00 David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> There's a shell script executed during the build in the viatra-master job. I noticed it pointed to here: Modified it to this:
> Cheers,
> Istvan
> 2015-02-18 23:25 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Sorry. I should have been describing this change in more detail as this is something that is easy to miss. There should be no similar cases to the other repositories, as they were created with the new project naming in mind.
> Cheers,
> Zoli
> -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > On 2015. febr. 18., at 23:21, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, left the "emf" in the URL. Geez...
> >
> > 2015-02-18 23:18 GMT+01:00 David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Nothing exceptional:
> >
> > [core]
> >     repositoryformatversion = 0
> >     filemode = false
> >     bare = false
> >     logallrefupdates = true
> >     symlinks = false
> >     ignorecase = true
> >     hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
> > [remote "origin"]
> >     url = "" href="http://isdavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.emf.git" target="_blank">isdavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.emf.git     //originally it was ssh://isdavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gitroot/viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.git
> >     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> >     fetch = refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*
> >     push = HEAD:refs/heads/master
> >     pushurl = ssh://isdavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.emf.git
> > [branch "master"]
> >     remote = origin
> >     merge = refs/heads/master
> > [gerrit]
> >     createchangeid = true
> >
> > 2015-02-18 23:14 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > could you share your config file? Maybe then I would see where the issue lays.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Zoli
> > -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> >
> >
> > Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> >
> > > On 2015. febr. 18., at 23:10, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Sorry, but my EGit doesn't buy this config file rewrite approach.
> > >
> > > org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Invalid remote: origin
> > >     at org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.fetch.FetchOperationUI.execute(
> > >
> > > Other ideas?
> > >
> > >
> > > 2015-02-18 22:11 GMT+01:00 András Szabolcs Nagy <nasz013@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > Nice! I would also like to thank you for all of your work on this.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > András
> > >
> > > 2015-02-18 21:44 GMT+01:00 David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > Hi Zoli,
> > >
> > > Thanks for your efforts.
> > >
> > > Is there any other place where these urls are published?
> > > Yes, there was - but no worries, I already updated my LinkedIn profile. :)
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Istvan
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 2015-02-18 20:59 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > the repositories are ready. The quickest way to update the remote uris in an existing repository is to directly modify the .git/config file inside the repository. I provide a sample of what to look for and how to update them; the complete list of VIATRA-specific repositories are available from the web-based repository browser:
> > >
> > > Old version:
> > > [remote "origin"]
> > >         url = "" href="http://zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.git" target="_blank">zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.git
> > >         pushurl = ssh://zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.git
> > >
> > > New version:
> > > [remote "origin"]
> > >         url = "" href="http://zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.git" target="_blank">zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.git
> > >         pushurl = ssh://zujhelyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.git
> > >
> > > I have updated the repository urls in the build jobs, in the project metadata page (, and on the transformation API wiki page, and the build and oomph setup metadata in the core projects. Is there any other place where these urls are published?
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Zoli
> > > -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > >
> > >
> > > Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > >
> > > > On 2015. febr. 14., at 23:17, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > That's great, thanks!
> > > >
> > > > I'll handle the build jobs.
> > > >
> > > > 2015-02-14 23:09 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > > The repository migration was promised for next Wednesday the 18th of February.
> > > >
> > > > For our development environments, the update will be very simple - if the new urls are available, I will write a concrete example how to update it quickly and painlessly. Additionally, the build jobs (and possibly public pages with urls) needs to be updated.
> > > >
> > > > In general, given the lack of widespread use of these repositories, I believe, the effect will be minimal for everybody.
> > > >
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Zoli
> > > > -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > >
> > > > > On 2015. febr. 13., at 18:21, Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I have opened bugs and for this reason.
> > > > >
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > Zoli
> > > > > -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > > Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > > >
> > > > >> On 2015. febr. 9., at 9:47, Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Hi all,
> > > > >>
> > > > >> I know I am a bit late, but here are my pointers to do:
> > > > >>
> > > > >> * Move website to, and have a redirect from The new site should mainly contain information to the new code base, and have some archive pages for the old versions.
> > > > >> * On the wiki, the VIATRA2 namespace should be used for archive, and a new VIATRA namespace should be created for new content, and the VIATRA2/VIATRA3 page should be moved there.
> > > > >> * About the repositories: the viatra2 namespace should be renamed to viatra, and the repository names (except for the old vpm version) should be renamed to accomodate these changes. More concretely:
> > > > >>   * viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.git   -> viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.modelobfuscator.git
> > > > >>   * viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.emf.git -> viatra/org.eclipse.viatra.git
> > > > >>   * viatra2/org.eclipse.viatra2.vpm.git -> viatra/org.eclipse.viatra2.vpm.git
> > > > >>
> > > > >> If anybody has any objections, feel free to describe it.
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Cheers,
> > > > >> Zoli
> > > > >> -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > >> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > > >>
> > > > >>> On 2015. febr. 3., at 22:44, Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Hi,
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> moving the repository url and the website needs help from Eclipse webmaster. I will open corresponding tickets next week, and will manage the transition (if anyone else would open the ticket, it would likely need an explicit approval from me); of course, before that I will think over what we want to ask for precisely, and share it on this list.
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> In addition to that, the website itself requires a complete overhaul, that requires some PHP/HTML-based hacking in the repository (pushing new content to this repository will update the website after a few minutes automatically).
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Cheers,
> > > > >>> Zoli
> > > > >>> -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > >>> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>> On 2015. febr. 3., at 19:59, István Ráth <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >>>>
> > > > >>>> I think these two cases can only be handled by one of the co-leads. Zoli?
> > > > >>>>
> > > > >>>> On 3 Feb 2015 at 12:32:53, David, Istvan (davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> > > > >>>>
> > > > >>>>> Okay, so now only the project website and the git repo are left. I assume there's an official way to do these, maybe a bugzilla ticket in the appropriate tracker? If you give me some pointers, I'll handle it.
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> 2015-02-02 19:36 GMT+01:00 David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > > >>>>> Sure, no problem.
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> Update:
> > > > >>>>> -renamed the releng projects (see
> > > > >>>>> -turned on the JUnit test result publication for the viatra-master job and added a /tests folder to the repo
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> 2015-02-02 18:35 GMT+01:00 Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > > >>>>> Hi,
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> as I have written in the original bug, all projects should be reviewed and renamed as necessary. The only project, that has any reasonable cause to refer have the EMF in its name is the transformation API project, from any other project the EMF postfix should be removed. Furthermore, I have absolutely no objection from removing it from the transformation projects name as well.
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> And to second Ábel, thanks for your effort, it is greatly appreciated.
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> Cheers,
> > > > >>>>> Zoli
> > > > >>>>> -- Zoltán Ujhelyi
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > >>>>> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > > >>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> On 2015. febr. 2., at 18:26, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> Cool, thanks. Any opinion on the releng stuff?
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> What about the releng projects?
> > > > >>>>>> -org.eclipse.viatra.emf.parent
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> -org.eclipse.viatra.emf.update
> > > > >>>>>> I think they should be renamed as well.
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> 2015-02-02 16:15 GMT+01:00 Ábel Hegedüs <abel.hegedus@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > > > >>>>>>> On 2015.02.02. 13:18:53, David, Istvan <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > >>>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>>> Also: the org.eclipse.viatra.emf.runtime.feature project should be renamed to org.eclipse.viatra.emf.feature, as there will be DSL, UI and other plugins related to the same module (EMF).
> > > > >>>>>> [Abel]: In my opinion, it is okay as it is exactly for the reason you mentioned. When we have UI plugins, we will probably put them in a different feature (viatra.emf.ui) to avoid requiring UI dependencies for an application that only uses the runtime.
> > > > >>>>>>> Please, let me know what do you think and I'll handle the renaming.
> > > > >>>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>>> In the meantime, the build jobs have been renamed as discussed.
> > > > >>>>>> [Abel]: Thanks for all the clean-up so far!
> > > > >>>>>>
> > > > >>>>>> _______________________________________________
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> > > > >>>> --
> > > > >>>> István Ráth
> > > > >>>> Research Fellow
> > > > >>>> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
> > > > >>>> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> > > > >>>>
> > > > >>>> rath@xxxxxxxxxx
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