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[viatra-dev] Java 1.7 dependency in CEP - is it intentional?


I was debugging the build failures on our external build server (, and I found out that at least the cep.tooling.core bundle depends on Java 1.7. What I am interested in is what was the reason for this dependency (considering the entire IncQuery platform below the engine targets Java 1.6.

Generally, I am not against increasing the version number requirements, but I would like to see what benefit it does bring us. As far as I know, Java 7 brings only minor features, which means, I don't see any general gain here, but of course I might be wrong. But if there is no real need for Java 7, I would recommend trying to make the dependency for Java 1.6.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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