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Re: [udig-devel] RFC : native support bundles for java advanced imaging

2011/12/21 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Fine! In my mind I have the following solution:
> - create a separate maven project that builds dependencies for udig
> In the past we had a trunk/lib folder for that kind of thing (it was a
> staging area for geotools like things).

> - run it and deploy the artifacts to a maven repository (which has to
> be defined I guess or is there mvn repo where udig already deploys
> into?)
> We take part in geotools so we can deploy to osgeo repo; we also deploy any
> jars we need there. The performance is not great however; as such opengeo
> has provided a SNAPSHOT repository which we make use of.

All right, make sense to me to deploy such JAI bundles only once and
not every time udig is build. Properly it would be better to setup
this as an separate project (independently from udig) and use it in
udig (as an osgi based application).

> - when this works and bundles can be deployed change the root pom from
> udig and add this dependencies in the dependencies section & use the
> configuration property
> <pomDependencies>consider</pomDependencies> for tycho
> target-platform-configuration plugin
> So I am still a little confused about what dependencies you are wanting to
> build? Thus far uDig is self contained and can be compiled just using maven.

I thought about the JAI/imageio things. IMHO this bundles have not to
be build every time udig bundles are build. Means that the Version is
always the same (JAI 1.1.3/ ImageIO 1.1) since udig 1.1.1 I guess. In
the same universe I would see the com.lowagie.itext and
org.apache.log4j bundles (log4j can also be taken from osgi-fied bundle - which can be resolved from
public springsource maven repository).

IMHO, every thirdparty dependency that's included in the standard
build should be kicked out and can be resolved during the build (maven
dependency + target platform (p2) resolver).

Still confused? IRC?


> Jody

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