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Re: [udig-devel] Feature Dependencies, Update Site

> OK, works like a charm within a full Eclipse SDK. Not that there is any
> reason that it wouldn't but its nice to see. I'm going to play around with
> some models and I'll report back when I get some agent models working!


A small point:  the rcp-feature you found is part of a training
exercise. I personally don't use uDig+RCP+IResource but I know that
others do. If you get to the point of wanting to list your udig map
file in a normal eclipse project please give us a shout and start up a
net.refractions.udig.resources plug-in to start holding the
integration code.

Even though this would not be included in the udig example application
it is still a worth addition to the project that is often requested.

> I asked the licensing question for a somewhat more ambitious reasons -- LGPL
> isn't on the list of approved inclusion in Eclipse project
> hosted third-party licenses. :) So, if it were EPL (and assuming clean IP
> process which it looks like you guys have) I could actually provide
> dependencies as a component part of AMP from Eclipse host. And, actually, if
> you were EPL, you could *become* an Eclipse project. Of course, that's
> either a good thing or a bad thing depending on your POV. But, umm..., we
> have Git support. ;)

Note that the main library we depend on is LGPL; it does meet the
EPL/LGPL restrictions in that the library is available is source code
form ready to compile etc...

When we started the EPL was not defined yet and the only thing
companies were willing to invest in was LGPL.


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