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Re: [udig-devel] Feature Dependencies, Update Site

On Jul 14, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Sounds like fun;

Yeah, I guess it depends on what your definition of "fun" is. I'd never want to go through the learning process again but now that I have it's at least somewhat repeatable.

> One of the things we have considered is joining the eclipse labs program they recently set up; is this the kind of thing you would be interested in?

Let me be careful in how I phrase this.. it's something I would be interested in having happen. ;) Seriously, I have a lifetime of stuff to do on AMP but would be more than happy to help get you guys up and rolling with the basic p2 stuff, feature packaging, etc.. If we could find a hudson instance somewhere (don't know what you're using) I could even help set up an automated build for you. Which actually brings up..not to put you on the spot, but if you did the labs approach would you be considering doing an EPL (or otherwise BSD) license? That would be really cool..

> There are a few "non" net.refractions plugins included in our source code (cases where we have bundled up a jar we use). I expect you are missing one of them.

Yeah, I found the culprits. Looks like:


And with that I'm able to open the Map Perspective in a plain old Eclipse SDK. No map yet -- looks like the layer view and project view aren't showing up. All the error console gives me (as usual) is a PartInitException -- not particularly useful. So I'm going to just go to the source build which is probably what I should have done in the first place. Looks like there is an rcp feature..perhaps that's the one I should be using..



> Jody
> On 15/07/2010, at 8:10 AM, Miles Parker wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> First, thanks for a great effort. It's great to see such a powerful, flexible GIS solution w/in Eclipse. I actually think one of the greatest values of  uDig like any other tool would be in integration with other tools -- the Eclipse ecosystem has many other features can be mixed and matched to create totally novel applications. To that end, I'm looking into integrating uDig with the Eclipse Agent Modeling Platform ( and was looking for some guidance on that. I've saw the post related to this on the archives "integrating the map viewer as plug-in in own RCP app" but there doesn't seem to be recent activity on that. So some (hopefully) basic questions..forgive me in advance if I missed something on the site or am asking a bunch of already addressed questions in which case please just point me to the right spot.
>> Use case: My first goal is to get a simple viewer (or editor, but I'd prefer Viewer) up that would just read in a shape file programmatically, display them, make some changes to some of the layers and update it.
>> First, I wanted to see if I could install all of the basic features and plugins into my own IDE so that I could use that as the basis for building a sample application. It seems that the update site isn't an update site for the entire uDig distro but for plugins *for* uDig, right? Next, I couldn't find a download that just had the udig components, so I tried the SDK download. I already have (I think) all of the dependencies in my IDE so I got rid of everything that wasn't "net.r.." and just put them into dropins. Nothing shows up except for the source features -- not even the plugins. I don't get any dependency errors reported which is weird, but not *that* weird as the dropins mechanism has always been pretty flaky. The only other thing I can think is that perhaps there are native dependencies?
>> So...before I go any further with this, I thought it would make sense to see if my basic use case is reasonable. And if so, what set of features and/or plugins should be included. Or again, perhaps such a thing already exists and I've just missed something. If I can figure out what basic dependencies are needed I could probably even build a p2 site for it -- god knows I've set up enough of those.
>> cheers,
>> Miles
>> p.s. I'm "just" over in Nelson..let me know if you ever find yourselves out in the Kootenay..
>> Miles Parker
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