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Re: [udig-devel] shapefile renderer planning

Jody Garnett ha scritto:
Andrea asked me to check and it is not currently used by uDig 1.2.
Apparently it make a 20% difference at some zoom levels ..

No, it makes a 10 times difference at some zoom levels in one direction,
and a 50-100% difference in the opposite direction depending on the use
The shapefile renderer is still 10 times faster when you have a 1GB shapefile with million of features and you want to draw them all in
a screenfull (getting back an amorphous black blob usually).

Streaming renderer is faster when dealing with thematic maps that do
use multiple feature type styles to make sure certain features stay
on top of others (typical case, highway rendering, you want the thick
line to be drawn everywhere and only then start drawing the thin
central line so that you don't get ugly results at crossings).
The more feature type styles you have, the higher the streaming
renderer speedup becomes compared to the shapefile one.

As for keeping the shapefile renderer around, it needs a maintainer,
I'm no more interested in keeping it around, just have too many
modules to deal with and making fixes and improvements twice is
the last thing I want to spend time on.
So I'll be moving it into the GeoTools unsupported limbo unless
someone steps up and decides to maintain it in my place.
Afaik Jesse already said he's not interested, but I may be wrong.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
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