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Re: [udig-devel] uDig 1.2 and tif/tfw file

You status line keeps saying Rendering.javax/media/jai/PlanarImage as an error. I suspect that your JRE does not have JAI, ImageIO, and ImageIO-EXT installed.

If you review the ready to go JRE's here:

You will see that we only have two linux JREs available... have you tried either of them?

Please note that I have not packaged up a JRE with linux support for ImageIO-EXT and GDAL yet (indeed I am not sure I am the best person for the job).

The instructions on how to set up a JRE are here:

If I can ask you to try out these instructions and give me a link to the JRE I can place it on the udig website for others.


iomeneandrei wrote:
Dear Silvia,

Silvia Franceschi-2 wrote:
I tried your image with uDig1.2 in mac and it works.

I have recorded video operations, and you will see that it does not work:

Silvia Franceschi-2 wrote:
I just imported and added to a new map. Did not try to add it to an
map since I don't know its the projection.

It does not work also when I set the right CRS

Silvia Franceschi-2 wrote:
If you find where there is the problem please add this error to the bugs
list for the code sprint.

What's the right place to put my bug? Is this ?

Thank you,


Andrea Borruso

email: aborruso@xxxxxx

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