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Re: [udig-devel] uDig project files - mystery solved!

Jesse - thanks for the clues.

I installed uDig on my d: drive and since %HOMEPATH% doesn't include a drive designation and the -data directory specification doesn't use %HOMEDRIVE%, it quietly created a "Documents and Settings" on my d: drive. Everything is there.

My basic requirement is to provide an easy way to predefine the layers and styles to be used for a particular map application that can be redistributed along with some data. Full pathnames are a bit of a challenge moving between systems.


Jesse Eichar wrote:
Hi David,

Take a look at the shortcut that is created in the start menu. It declares where the workspace is. it is the directory after -data. It probably is: "%HOME_PATH%\uDig" or something along those lines. I have realized that it is not acceptable because if you don't put on the c: drive then the folder is also not on the C: drive so it can be hard to locate.


On Oct 23, 2007, at 6:08 AM, David Adler wrote:

I'm feeling very dense and crazy.

I just installed uDig 1.1-RC12 on another Windows system that has never had uDig installed on it.

I'm not finding any umap or .localCatalog files anywhere under c:\Documents and Settings, although when I reopen uDig, everything is there. I've looked all over on my system for files created around the time I exited uDig but can't find anything.

Another dumb question, when you use the File->Open Project, what is it looking for?

All I want to do is make a "project" file available to other users of uDig. Isn't this possible?

ESRI products have .mxd and .axl files that define the composition and symbology of a map.

Jesse Eichar wrote:
I'm still not completely sure of all your requirements. There are a few extension points that I might suggest:

1. Startup extension. It is an eclipse extension and basically it is just a code block that is run when the application is started. This would allow you to add the connection information into the application 2. MapInterceptor. This allows you to intercept when a map is created or openned which would allow you to add some default layers to the map if you wish 3. LayerInterceptor: This allows you to intercept the creationof a layer and set a style on the layer when it is created.

I feel like I didn't answer your question. The umap files still exist in Documents and Settings/uDig. there is also a .localCatalog file that has connection information...


On Oct 22, 2007, at 1:08 PM, David Adler wrote:

Hi Jesse,

The files certainly are buried. I've scanned my whole system looking for these files and can't find them.

Is 'plugin_customizations.ini' a text file that I should find in "Documents and Settings" or in the uDig install directory on Windows?

I don't want to turn off opening maps on startup.

I want to be able to provide a file that contains the datasource connection information, layers and styles to be applied with a standard uDig installation.

In an earlier version of uDig, I found an XML file with an extension of .umap which seemed to include the layer information.

Or do I need to code my own custom application with uDig in the Eclipse development environment?


Jesse Eichar wrote:
Hi David,

The files are nicely buried. The class StartupOpenMaps controls this behaviour. If you want to disable this behaviour, it is controlled by a Project.UI preference. There are a few ways to modify the preferences by using by: ProjectUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().setValue(PreferenceConstants.P_OPEN_MAPS_ON_STARTUP, false).

A second way to modify the preference if you are creating a custom application, is to specify a properties file with the preferences you want to specify. If you look at the net.refractions.udig plugin there is a file in the root called plugin_customizations.ini. This file specifies some of the preferences we want to use in the uDig application. You could copy that and add:

net.refractions.udig.project.ui/openMapsOnStartup = false

to the file.

There are probably more ways by changing environment variables and so on. But you'll have to check the eclipse help for that.


On Oct 22, 2007, at 4:28 AM, David Adler wrote:

Where in Windows does uDig keep the files that control what projects/maps/layers are displayed when it starts up? I've looked all over in "Documents and Settings" and "My Documents" and can't find anything.

I'm trying to port a 2002-vintage ArcExplorer .axl application to uDig and need some file to control uDig startup.

The uDig File menu has an "Open Project" selection - what is it looking for?

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