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Re: [udig-devel] uDig project files

Hi David,

The files are nicely buried. The class StartupOpenMaps controls this behaviour. If you want to disable this behaviour, it is controlled by a Project.UI preference. There are a few ways to modify the preferences by using by: ProjectUIPlugin.getDefault ().getPreferenceStore().setValue (PreferenceConstants.P_OPEN_MAPS_ON_STARTUP, false).

A second way to modify the preference if you are creating a custom application, is to specify a properties file with the preferences you want to specify. If you look at the net.refractions.udig plugin there is a file in the root called plugin_customizations.ini. This file specifies some of the preferences we want to use in the uDig application. You could copy that and add:

net.refractions.udig.project.ui/openMapsOnStartup = false

to the file.

There are probably more ways by changing environment variables and so on. But you'll have to check the eclipse help for that.


On Oct 22, 2007, at 4:28 AM, David Adler wrote:

Where in Windows does uDig keep the files that control what projects/maps/layers are displayed when it starts up? I've looked all over in "Documents and Settings" and "My Documents" and can't find anything.

I'm trying to port a 2002-vintage ArcExplorer .axl application to uDig and need some file to control uDig startup.

The uDig File menu has an "Open Project" selection - what is it looking for?

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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