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Re: [udig-devel] splitting line segment

Ok, I get the proper arraylist of features (finalFeature) at the end:

I create the collection:

   FeatureCollection fcollection = FeatureCollections.newCollection();
        for( int i = 0; i < finalFeature.size(); i++ ) {

which I then write:

        FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource();

And get one single feature in my new created shapefile instead of a lot
of single ones... :(

What is going wrong?


Jody Garnett probaly wrote:
> It is enough to duplicate the feature yes - when you add that feature to
> the feature store it will get a new FeatureID and so on. In really fancy
> editing systems (with workflows and so on) the features would remember
> each other as part of an audit trail or something. Andrea is working on
> some of that kind of magic right now for a versioning geoserver wfs-t;
> we may be able to abuse the same backend for those wanting a serious
> postgis editing workflow. Ah to dream :-)
> Jody
>> Right, just trust the community :)
>> One question to the udiggers.
>> I want to leave the attributes the same as the ones of the original
>> feature.
>> Is it enough to duplicate the feature and set the new geometry as its
>> default geometry?
>> Andrea

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