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Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig

Jody, Paul,
I'll take the next week to dive into the more things of udig I can take.
Next Wednesday would be a good moment for me to do an IRC chat and
discuss some very preliminary things. After Wednesday I'm abroad until
the weekend, so probably that would shift to Monday. In the latter case
I would send you a mindmapper file (freemind at sourceforge) with some
brainstorming from my side in it by Wednesday.

What do you think?

* [A.D. 23/01/07 13:47], Jody Garnett <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> probably wrote:
> Antonello Andrea wrote:
> >Hi list,
> >I'm Andrea Antonello, coordinator of JGrass.
> >For those that do not know JGrass at all, it is a GIS heavily dedicated to 
> >hydrogeomorphologic issues. While it is very advanced in that field, we
> >have problems on everything regarding vectors (features) and in general
> >to keep uptodate the more generic GIS related base.
> >
> >Lots of changes are going on at the moment in the JGrass team and
> >architecture. One thought and wish of mine would be that to join the
> >uDig development and merge all the raster algorythms into it, as well as
> >everything suitable from JGrass. Following the last coverage changes in
> >geotools, I guess this should be possible and would bring positive
> >additions to both groups. Please take into consideration that this would 
> >anyway mean a hughe amount of work from our side.
> >To understand if this could be in fact feasible, I would need to talk 
> >to someone (or the IRC channel) about advantages and if and how this
> >could be achieved. 
> >
> >Please let me first of all know if the uDig team is interested in this and 
> >to
> >who I may talk to about this issue.
> >  
> I am interested; perhaps we can set up a breakout IRC (or conference 
> call) sometime next week?)
> You will find that uDig is structured to allow for additional resources 
> (and renderers) so integration is planned for ... if not currently realized.
> With respect to coverage changes in GeoTools - there are plans to move 
> directly to the ISO model. Another set of brains would be very welcome.
> Cheers,
> Jody
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling
Siemens Str. 19 via Siemens
I-39100 Bozen - Bolzano

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
PhD Student at
JGrass, Free Open Source GIS
tel.     +39 0471 068065  
mobile:  +39 328 8497722
fax:     +39 36 328 8497722
email:   andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Let it be as much a great honour to take as to give learning,
if you want to be called wise."
Skuggsja' - The King's mirror - 1240 Reykjavik

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