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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Re: Raster Data Images

Well basically it is what I did.

If you look at the code I put on the brach, you'll see that I changed
only constructors where the user can provide a RenderedImage insted of
a WritableRaster since in such a case I assume that you are dealing
with a real image wth its own ColorModel and you do not want that to
be touched. If you do not care, you can just leave the GC2D class deal
with it as it preferes.

My deadline is approaching quickly so for the moment i cannot do more
than this, but in the future I would like to help you to refine this
issues trying to find a way to handle a multiband non geophysic view
suitable for real images.


On 5/16/05, Martin Desruisseaux <martin.desruisseaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> simone giannecchini a écrit :
> > I will provide an example.
> >
> > [...snip...]
> >
> > GridCoverage2D gc=new GridCoverage2D(
> >                            "example",
> >                            providedImage,//renderedImage
> >                            crs,
> >                            envelope);
> I understand. You dont' use a constructor where SampleDimension are
> explicitly provided, but use instead a convenience constructor that
> compute it automatically. Then you are right, this constructor do not
> provides anyway to control the view (since it is just a convenience
> constructor) and hints could be a way to control that.
> I will looks at yours code today and implement it in GridCoverage2D.
> I wonder if rescaling a RenderedImage in the convenience constructor for
> any type other than Float and Double is not generally wrong. Maybe we
> should change the GridCoverage2D convenience constructor in order to
> rescale only float and double types, and lets all other types unchanged
> unless a hint is provided?
>        Martin.

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