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[udig-devel] Re: [-DETECTION SPAM-] [Geotools-devel] Re: Raster Data Images

Just a note on this, the "world plus image" plugin is reaching a
decent stage. I would like to have someone to work on it for testing
and improvement.

If someone is interested in it and needs advice, just drop a few lines here.

On 5/13/05, Martin Desruisseaux <martin.desruisseaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>         My name is Patrick Upson. I am currently a fourth your
> >> computer science major on work term at The Bedford Institute of
> >> Oceanography, with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in
> >> Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
> I worked 3 years for Fishery and Oceans Canada too :) 2 years in
> Institut Maurice-Lamontagne (Québec) and one year in Institute of Ocean
> Science (British Colombia). I have seen BIO one time, before to get
> onboard a boat. In theory, I'm not suppose to be a programmer (I'm
> supposed to be an oceanographer). In practice, I'm not doing much
> oceanography lately..
> >> The only problem with the current application is that
> >> it does not support raster images such as .raw, or .tif files.
> This is work in progres, but there is a lot of work to do. Some things
> to take in account:
> - RAW and TIFF are supported by ImageIO extension for JAI. We would like
>   to design Geotools's GridCoverageReader as wrapper around J2SE's
>   ImageReader, in order to make it easy to plugin new format in Geotools
>   if a javax.imageio.ImageReader exists for it.
> - The GridCoverage framework is being ported from an old API to a newer
>   one. The change is mostly limited to coordinate reference system
>   handling (because OGC specification changed around 2003). But the port
>   is not fully done so not all functionalities are there. One existing
>   feature not yet ported is a parser for text file with lat/long
>   coordinates (as Jody mentioned).
> - Current port is not a definitive work. One problem with GridCoverage
>   is that OGC specification changed for that one too (to make a short
>   story: OGC and ISO harmonized their specification recently, so many
>   OGC specifications are replaced by their ISO counterpart. This is
>   what happenned for coordinate reference system (ISO 19111), and it
>   happen for GridCoverage too). Unfortunatly, we didn't had the time
>   to port the GridCoverage API to the ISO specification. So current
>   API should be considered as transitive.
> There is how you could help:
> - Short term fix:
>   If you are using "world plus image" like Jody mentionned, if may be
>   worth to port the "ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader" class from the
>   legacy module. I can give you hint for that.
> - Long term fix:
>   Any help for creating new interfaces build on top of ISO 19123 (the
>   new specification for GridCoverage) would be greatly appreciated. We
>   would take the opportunity for revisiting the I/O part, if needed.
>   For now, it would be a little bit unsafe to work too much on the I/O
>   part of the API without a "definitive" GridCoverage interface.
>        Martin.
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