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[udig-devel] Re: [-DETECTION SPAM-] [Geotools-devel] Re: Raster Data Images

My name is Patrick Upson. I am currently a fourth your computer science major on work term at The Bedford Institute of Oceanography, with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

I worked 3 years for Fishery and Oceans Canada too :) 2 years in
Institut Maurice-Lamontagne (Québec) and one year in Institute of Ocean
Science (British Colombia). I have seen BIO one time, before to get
onboard a boat. In theory, I'm not suppose to be a programmer (I'm
supposed to be an oceanographer). In practice, I'm not doing much
oceanography lately..

The only problem with the current application is that it does not support raster images such as .raw, or .tif files.

This is work in progres, but there is a lot of work to do. Some things
to take in account:

- RAW and TIFF are supported by ImageIO extension for JAI. We would like
  to design Geotools's GridCoverageReader as wrapper around J2SE's
  ImageReader, in order to make it easy to plugin new format in Geotools
  if a javax.imageio.ImageReader exists for it.

- The GridCoverage framework is being ported from an old API to a newer
  one. The change is mostly limited to coordinate reference system
  handling (because OGC specification changed around 2003). But the port
  is not fully done so not all functionalities are there. One existing
  feature not yet ported is a parser for text file with lat/long
  coordinates (as Jody mentioned).

- Current port is not a definitive work. One problem with GridCoverage
  is that OGC specification changed for that one too (to make a short
  story: OGC and ISO harmonized their specification recently, so many
  OGC specifications are replaced by their ISO counterpart. This is
  what happenned for coordinate reference system (ISO 19111), and it
  happen for GridCoverage too). Unfortunatly, we didn't had the time
  to port the GridCoverage API to the ISO specification. So current
  API should be considered as transitive.

There is how you could help:

- Short term fix:
  If you are using "world plus image" like Jody mentionned, if may be
  worth to port the "ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader" class from the
  legacy module. I can give you hint for that.

- Long term fix:
  Any help for creating new interfaces build on top of ISO 19123 (the
  new specification for GridCoverage) would be greatly appreciated. We
  would take the opportunity for revisiting the I/O part, if needed.
  For now, it would be a little bit unsafe to work too much on the I/O
  part of the API without a "definitive" GridCoverage interface.


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