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Re: [sumo-user] skips all TLS

the tool will not perform coordination. It can only adapt green phase duration to fit demand. You will get similar or better results by setting the default traffic light type to 'actuated'
(netconvert option '--tls.default-type actuated' when importing from OSM).
if the network is jammed it is most likely due to junction modelling errors.
Your network contains infrastructure for trams, bicycles and pedestrian and this leads to complex junction definitions which require more manual fixing when imported from OSM.
If you are mostly interested in vehicular simulation, consider using netconvert option ' passenger,bus' to filter your network.
Otherwise, prepare to look at jammed intersections and repair them with netedit (mostly joining clusters of junctions into a single logical junction).


Am Di., 28. Sept. 2021 um 09:37 Uhr schrieb Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez <alrodr25@xxxxxx>:
Hi Jakob,
I've created the vehicles file running sumo with --vehrouter-output and now I get this error:

Step #84600.00 (1534ms ~= 0.65*RT, ~9714.47UPS, vehicles TOT 49272 ACT 14902 BUF 571842)  ^M
Simulation ended at time: 84600.00
Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
 Duration: 60435.81s
 Real time factor: 1.39983
 UPS: 12824.598592
 Inserted: 49272 (Loaded: 621114)
 Running: 14902
 Waiting: 571842
Teleports: 13175 (Collisions: 14, Jam: 9812, Yield: 2463, Wrong Lane: 886)

Begin time:0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/u7262/sumo-1.9.2/tools/", line 447, in <module>
  File "/home/u7262/sumo-1.9.2/tools/", line 427, in main
    groupFlowsMap = optimizeGreenTime(tl, groupFlowsMap, phaseLaneIndexMap, currentLength, options)
  File "/home/u7262/sumo-1.9.2/tools/", line 342, in optimizeGreenTime
    (critialFlowRateMap[i] / sum(critialFlowRateMap.values())) - options.yellowtime + options.losttime
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

Why is this happening? After some code checking I've seen that critical flow ratios (critialFlowRateMap) depends on: maxFlow, which is set to 0 in the code; satFlows, which is equal to 3600. / options.satheadway; and phaseLaneIndexMap which I think is related with green phases. There is anything I can or should change to get better results?

As you can see, barely an 8% of the total vehicles are inserted into the network, and I'm almost positive that it is because of the jams induced by too many red-phases in most of the traffic light signals, specially at intersections due to a poor coordination of traffic light signals. It is the right tool to fix this? If not, what are my options?

Best regards,

El vie, 24 sept 2021 a las 12:21, Jakob Erdmann (<namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
the tool expects as input a route file that contains vehicle elements (with embedded routes). These vehicles are counted to determine the traffic level at each controlled intersection.
In your input, only route definitions are given but no vehicles. Hence no traffic information can be used.
route files suitable for the script can be obtained from duarouter or when running sumo with option --vehroute-output


Am Mo., 20. Sept. 2021 um 10:18 Uhr schrieb Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez <alrodr25@xxxxxx>:
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to optimise my traffic simulations by using to adapt the tls cycles as I've seen that some tls is in red phase for too long and causing some undesired jams.
However, the python script is skipping all the TLS and therefore no optimization is done, as the message shows:

Skipping TLS 'joinedS_13' due to unused states (116 states, 114 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_16' due to unused states (124 states, 121 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_21' due to unused states (30 states, 29 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_78' due to unused states (32 states, 31 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_94' due to unused states (23 states, 22 connections)
There are no flows at the given intersections. No green time optimization is done.

I have seen that this occurs when there are more states that connections. What does exactly mean? And there is something I can do to solve this and successfully optimise the TLS cycles?

I attach my network and routes file in case it is useful to clarify this:

Best regards,
Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez
PhD student
CIEMAT // Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
email: alrodr25@xxxxxx
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Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez
PhD student
CIEMAT // Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
email: alrodr25@xxxxxx
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