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Re: [sumo-user] skips all TLS

the tool expects as input a route file that contains vehicle elements (with embedded routes). These vehicles are counted to determine the traffic level at each controlled intersection.
In your input, only route definitions are given but no vehicles. Hence no traffic information can be used.
route files suitable for the script can be obtained from duarouter or when running sumo with option --vehroute-output


Am Mo., 20. Sept. 2021 um 10:18 Uhr schrieb Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez <alrodr25@xxxxxx>:
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to optimise my traffic simulations by using to adapt the tls cycles as I've seen that some tls is in red phase for too long and causing some undesired jams.
However, the python script is skipping all the TLS and therefore no optimization is done, as the message shows:

Skipping TLS 'joinedS_13' due to unused states (116 states, 114 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_16' due to unused states (124 states, 121 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_21' due to unused states (30 states, 29 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_78' due to unused states (32 states, 31 connections)
Skipping TLS 'joinedS_94' due to unused states (23 states, 22 connections)
There are no flows at the given intersections. No green time optimization is done.

I have seen that this occurs when there are more states that connections. What does exactly mean? And there is something I can do to solve this and successfully optimise the TLS cycles?

I attach my network and routes file in case it is useful to clarify this:

Best regards,
Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez
PhD student
CIEMAT // Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
email: alrodr25@xxxxxx
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