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Re: [sumo-user] Question regarding drivers dynamics and --step-method.ballistic

1) The actual speed curve depends on the carFollowModel. The default Krauss model will often use maximum acceleration and deceleration. For smoother curves, use carFollowModel="IDM".
For a paper, see

2)  the step-method has no impact on vehicle acceleration or speed. All it does is change the way covered distances are computed based on the current and previous speed.


Am Fr., 12. März 2021 um 03:29 Uhr schrieb wmarais <marais@xxxxxxxx>:

I have a couple of questions.

1. Does SUMO simulate different forms of acceleration? For example, it is
possible to define a driver (via <vType/> or <vehicle/>) that has a gradual
accelerations after stops (at traffic lights and stop signs) versus another
driver that tends to have more sudden accelerations? I guess the answer is
yes and I should use something like `<vType id="type1" accel="0.8"
decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" />`? Is there a paper that describes the model that
simulates the driving dynamics with the inputs `accel` and `descel`?

2. From my understanding with `--step-method.ballistic` the speed of the
vehicles should appear smooth (with small time-steps < 1 second), whereas
without `--step-method.ballistic` the speed will appear to be piecewise
constant. If yes, I am having troubling getting `--step-method.ballistic` to
produce vehicle speeds that appear "smooth"; see the attached plot.
The SUMO network and route setup that I have is a copy of the Turin SUMO
Traffic scenario where I only defined four trips. The SUMO network / route
setup files that I use are available at I execute the following two
commands to create the simulations:
marouter -c RoutingConfig.xml
sumo --step-method.ballistic --step-length 0.1 -c TuST.sumocfg --fcd-output

I am using SUMO version 1.8.0.

Willem Marais

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