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[sumo-user] Question regarding drivers dynamics and --step-method.ballistic


I have a couple of questions. 

1. Does SUMO simulate different forms of acceleration? For example, it is
possible to define a driver (via <vType/> or <vehicle/>) that has a gradual
accelerations after stops (at traffic lights and stop signs) versus another
driver that tends to have more sudden accelerations? I guess the answer is
yes and I should use something like `<vType id="type1" accel="0.8"
decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" />`? Is there a paper that describes the model that
simulates the driving dynamics with the inputs `accel` and `descel`? 

2. From my understanding with `--step-method.ballistic` the speed of the
vehicles should appear smooth (with small time-steps < 1 second), whereas
without `--step-method.ballistic` the speed will appear to be piecewise
constant. If yes, I am having troubling getting `--step-method.ballistic` to
produce vehicle speeds that appear "smooth"; see the attached plot. 
The SUMO network and route setup that I have is a copy of the Turin SUMO
Traffic scenario where I only defined four trips. The SUMO network / route
setup files that I use are available at I execute the following two
commands to create the simulations:
marouter -c RoutingConfig.xml
sumo --step-method.ballistic --step-length 0.1 -c TuST.sumocfg --fcd-output

I am using SUMO version 1.8.0.

Willem Marais

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