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Re: [dash-dev] Maven Repository at Eclipse

On 03/11/2011 05:15 PM, Alex Blewitt wrote:
On 11 Mar 2011, at 19:07, David Carver<d_a_carver@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

At Eclipse, Milestones don't stay around forever.  We could deploy them to a release, but in general they aren't long term artifacts at eclipse.
I agree - but they are useful for testing against. I've reported several bugs against Virgo and EclipseLink against their milestone releases specifically because they were available.

The other aspect is of course that our first clients will need/want to put their milestones (which are explicitly not snapshots) somewhere.

We may want to segregate the non-snapshot repository into 2 parts; milestones and releases. Nexus can then present them as a unified whole but maybe we reserve the right to clean out milestones or put them to eg archive.

I like the segragation aspect. If we had Nexus Pro (which we don't) we could have handled some of this with staging repo, but the Milestone repo would be good. Would just need to setup the profiles right in the settings.xml file.

The tools like FindBugs, CheckStyle, Tycho itself, JavaDoc, and standard plugins are used by the builds themselves.   Plus there are going to be coming some specific Maven plugins for eclispe related items. (i.e signing etc).
True, we need to consider a plugin repository cache/proxy at least. The question is: would a repository for maven plugin resolution be sufficient?

Well, you also need the entries for deployment as well, but for the first phase I see on the builds having plugin resolution would suffice.

And the settings.xml for the hudson user will need to have the mirror statement set to pull from the repo instead.
Yup, but maybe only for pluginRepository?


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