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Re: [dash-dev] Maven Repository at Eclipse

On 11 Mar 2011, at 15:26, Aaron Digulla wrote:

> I was thinking in a similar way. Using snapshots for the milestones doesn't work. Creating a new repo for each milestone doesn't scale. My objection with "M01"..."RELEASE" is the sort order.

the M01..RELEASE sort order works, provably so, since Virgo uses it at the moment. Why do you think it doesn't work for milestone and release artifacts?

> Tools like the version tool of Maven should offer the latest version. If you run it today, I get "20030203.000129" as the latest version of "commons-lang" (instead of 2.6).

Agreed, which is what we want to avoid.

> So M1..REL would work but mixing that with I and N builds wouldn't.

So we don't use -I and -N. Both of these are really just -SNAPSHOT builds, which Maven already handles. I'm not sure whether we want those to be in the same repository anyway; or if we do, we want to be able to separate them out (c.f. and

> Which gives me an idea: How about we use the artifactId?
> org.eclipse.core - Releases

wouldn't work for OSGi consumers of Maven bundles, like Felix. That's why Spring used -RELEASE.

> org.eclipse.core-I - Integration builds
> org.eclipse.core-N - Nightly builds

Suggest -SNAPSHOT in both cases. If necessary, we can partition the repository in Nexus with 'nightly' and 'integration' to distinguish.

> org.eclipse.core-M - Milestone builds



(CC'ing others in case they want to be in the loop and aren't confirmed on dash-dev )

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