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  • [jsonp-dev] Write empty Json arrays, Kendall, Michael
  • [jsonp-dev] Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture Call, Lukas Jungmann
  • [jsonp-dev] EE 10 Platform TCK test failure in jsonp.pluggability.jsonprovidertests tests with GlassFish 7, Scott Marlow
  • [jsonp-dev] TCK distribution question, Kyle Aure
  • [jsonp-dev] Status of JSON-P Artifact Deployment, James Perkins
  • [jsonp-dev] JsonProvider.JSONP_PROVIDER_FACTORY potential breaking change in JSON-P 2.1?, Nathan Rauh
  • [jsonp-dev] Review of Platform TCK removal of duplicate JSONP tests, Gurunandan Rao
  • Re: [jsonp-dev] [jakartaee-platform-dev] [External] : Re: Jakarta TCK package naming convention, Emily Jiang
  • [jsonp-dev] Volunteer to apply a package rename to TCKs to avoid `jakarta` namespace in test classes..., Scott Marlow
  • [jsonp-dev] @JsonbRequired for JSONB and JSON Schema, Jean-Louis Monteiro
  • [jsonp-dev] Migrating repos to, David Blevins
  • [jsonp-dev] 2.0 spec pdf/html is missing, Emily Jiang
  • [jsonp-dev] Status of TCK for Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1?, Scott Marlow
  • [jsonp-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?, Scott Marlow
  • [jsonp-dev] Please review Jakarta EE JSON P TCK contents and approve promotion issue, Ed Bratt
  • [jsonp-dev] Hello!, Jonnes Nascimento
  • [jsonp-dev] AbstractJsonObject and AbstractJsonArray, Mihai A.
  • [jsonp-dev] UnsupportedOperationExceptions in weird places, Todd O'Bryan
  • [jsonp-dev] Jigsaw: Any rough milestone for 1.2 with module-info included?, Hohwiller , Jörg
  • [jsonp-dev] Jakarta EE Community Interview for CodeOne/EclipseCon, David Blevins
  • [jsonp-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Nathan Mittlestat on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing, emo
  • [jsonp-dev] Committer Election for Nathan Mittlestat on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing has started, emo
  • [jsonp-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Mark Struberg on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing, emo
  • [jsonp-dev] Reminder to vote on Committer Election for Mark Struberg on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing, emo
  • [jsonp-dev] Committer Election for Mark Struberg on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing has started, emo
  • Welcome to jsonp-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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