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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Size of a full Eclipse mirror?

On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 12:52 +0200, Markus Knauer wrote:
> If you find /technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/Mxxx or RCxxx
> something went wrong with the sync. Weeks ago I did a clean up and
> moved everything that can be moved to the Eclipse archive server.
> Today I moved even more to the archive server, so from *tomorrow* on
> you should only see
>   /technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR2 (9 GBytes) and
>   /technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/R (10 GBytes)
> If there are still other directories
> below /technology/epp/downloads/release/ we need to investigate *why*
> those old directories are not removed.

I am using UK mirrorservice as base.
Now I've removed the old releases by hand (47GB freed), we'll see what
happens (if they come back or not).


> Thanks and regards, Markus
> On 2 July 2010 12:39, Gábriel Ákos <akos.gabriel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Thanks for the info, I have exactly the same problem but I
>         definitely
>         don't have that amount of space, so I will give up on that.
>         I tried to leave "technology" out of mirrors, that worked,
>         limited the
>         space needed somewhere around 200GB, but suddenly I discovered
>         that this
>         way I got only the classic eclipse distribution mirrored.
>         As I switched on the "technology" mirror it started
>         downloading all
>         other distributions (all versions of them :( ).
>         Look at /technology/epp/downloads/release/ ...
>         There is helios/M5-M7 RC1-4 and R.
>         I suppose you'd need only R like me.
>         For me it looks like the site was restructured and the mirror
>         script was
>         not adapted, this is the problem. It'd be nice if Dennis would
>         have a
>         statement how the problem will be solved. Either the structure
>         has to be
>         reverted or the script should be adapted.
>         Now I'm thinking about adapting the mirror script. Temporarily
>         it would
>         serve the purpose but my problem is what if the site is
>         restructured
>         again? That's why I'd wait for Dennis' reply.
>         Best,
>         Akos
>         On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 12:58 +0300, Mikko Jaaskelainen wrote:
>         > Hi,
>         >
>         > We're setting up a full Eclipse mirror. We have been
>         rsyncing for quite some
>         > time and so far we have downloaded 432 GB of data and it
>         seems that there is
>         > no end - we are worried that we will run out of disk space
>         before the initial
>         > rsync completes.
>         >
>         > How much data does a full Eclipse mirror currently have? I
>         read somewhere
>         > that it should be around 350 GB, but we're way beyond that.
>         We have used
>         > script manually for the download as
>         documented.
>         >
>         > Any advice or suggestions?
>         >
>         > Thanks in advance.
>         >
>         > Regards,
>         >
>         >          Mikko Jaaskelainen
>         >          Nordnet
>         > _______________________________________________
>         > eclipse-mirrors mailing list
>         > eclipse-mirrors@xxxxxxxxxxx
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>         >
>         --
>         Üdvözlettel,
>         Gábriel Ákos
>         _______________________________________________
>         eclipse-mirrors mailing list
>         eclipse-mirrors@xxxxxxxxxxx
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Gábriel Ákos

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