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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Size of a full Eclipse mirror?


Thanks for the info, I have exactly the same problem but I definitely
don't have that amount of space, so I will give up on that.

I tried to leave "technology" out of mirrors, that worked, limited the
space needed somewhere around 200GB, but suddenly I discovered that this
way I got only the classic eclipse distribution mirrored.
As I switched on the "technology" mirror it started downloading all
other distributions (all versions of them :( ).
Look at /technology/epp/downloads/release/ ...
There is helios/M5-M7 RC1-4 and R.
I suppose you'd need only R like me.

For me it looks like the site was restructured and the mirror script was
not adapted, this is the problem. It'd be nice if Dennis would have a
statement how the problem will be solved. Either the structure has to be
reverted or the script should be adapted.

Now I'm thinking about adapting the mirror script. Temporarily it would
serve the purpose but my problem is what if the site is restructured
again? That's why I'd wait for Dennis' reply.


On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 12:58 +0300, Mikko Jaaskelainen wrote:
> Hi,
> We're setting up a full Eclipse mirror. We have been rsyncing for quite some
> time and so far we have downloaded 432 GB of data and it seems that there is
> no end - we are worried that we will run out of disk space before the initial
> rsync completes.
> How much data does a full Eclipse mirror currently have? I read somewhere
> that it should be around 350 GB, but we're way beyond that. We have used
> script manually for the download as documented.
> Any advice or suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
>          Mikko Jaaskelainen
>          Nordnet
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Gábriel Ákos

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