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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Size of a full Eclipse mirror?

We also are facing this problem, in the last month we run out of space several times.
Now we tried to modify the script in order to "downgrade" our mirror profile from the original "full_eclipse".
Anyway we encountered problems in using the script syntax (our Linux is Ubuntu, can this be a reason for a different syntax?).
Any other have this problem?
How do you changed the script?

Vincenzo Caselli
RCP Vision
E-mail: vincenzo.caselli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobile: +39 347 1267872
Skype: vincenzocaselli
Gtalk: vincenzo.caselli

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Mikko Jaaskelainen <mikko.jaaskelainen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We're setting up a full Eclipse mirror. We have been rsyncing for quite some
time and so far we have downloaded 432 GB of data and it seems that there is
no end - we are worried that we will run out of disk space before the initial
rsync completes.

How much data does a full Eclipse mirror currently have? I read somewhere
that it should be around 350 GB, but we're way beyond that. We have used
 script manually for the download as documented.

Any advice or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


       Mikko Jaaskelainen
eclipse-mirrors mailing list

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