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Re: [cf-dev] Next Californium release?

Well, I saw that Eclipse Mars also has a year-long milestone cycle.. Thus, I also thought “why not” :)


Actinium has been a separate project before, hence the version is not aligned. Since it is now part of Eclipse Californium, would you recommend to align it?


The Californium unit tests already include a lot of integration tests as well (starting servers and clients). Do you have some experience what should go into integration testing? We could freeze a Plugtest server and checker that work for sure and test all newer versions against it; maybe even a different implementation? Otherwise I would set up something similar to the Travis-CI setup I had before and simply use the current Maven targets.


The main problem is currently:

[ERROR] Could not create local repository at /opt/public/hipp/homes/ -> [Help 1]

Should we contact the Webmaster about this? When I log in, I do not have the Manage Hudson link.


How about What needs to be done there to get the artifacts into the Maven repo?





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